‘Fried rice syndrome’ warnings sweep social media: Is there reason to worry?

A condition known as “fried rice syndrome” has caused some panic online in recent days after the case of a 20-year-old man who died in 2008 resurfaced on TikTok.

“Fried rice syndrome” refers to food poisoning caused by a bacteria called “fried rice”. Bacillus cereusthe risk arises when cooked food is left at room temperature for too long.

The 20-year-old college student reportedly died after eating spaghetti he had cooked, left in the refrigerator, and reheated and eaten five days later. Although death is rare, Bacillus cereus If food is stored improperly, it can lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Here’s what you need to know and how to protect yourself.

What is “fried rice syndrome”?

Bacillus cereus It is a bacterium commonly found in the environment. It can cause problems if it gets into certain foods that are cooked and stored improperly.

Starchy foods like rice and pasta are often the culprit. But it can also affect other foods, such as cooked vegetables and meat dishes.

Certain bacteria can produce toxins. The longer food that should be refrigerated is kept at room temperature, the more likely these toxins are to grow.


Fried rice syndrome is a form of food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus and is often associated with improper storage or reheating of fried rice dishes. What’s the longest time you’ve left food out that should have been refrigerated but still eaten? I would like to know! #foodpoisoning #leftovers #pastalover #friedrice #healthydiet

♬ Original voice – Dr. Joe, MD 🩺

Bacillus cereus This is problematic because it has a trick that other bacteria don’t have. It produces cells called spores, which are very heat-resistant. So while heating leftovers to high temperatures may kill other types of bacteria, it may not have the same effect if the food is contaminated. Bacillus cereus.

These spores are essentially dormant, but if given the right temperature and conditions, they can grow and become active. From here, they start producing toxins that make us sick.

What are the symptoms?

symptoms of infection Bacillus cereus Including diarrhea and vomiting.In fact, there are two types Bacillus cereus Infections: One is usually associated with diarrhea and the other with vomiting.

The illness tends to clear up within a few days, but vulnerable groups, such as children or people with underlying medical conditions, may be more likely to need medical care.

Woman lying in bed with stomachache and cramps
Having “fried rice syndrome” means you may experience common stomach symptoms. (© Prostock-studio – stock.adobe.com)

Because the symptoms are similar to other gastrointestinal illnesses and people often develop gastroenteritis without seeking medical attention, we don’t have exact numbers on how often you develop it. Bacillus cereus occur. However, if there is an outbreak of food poisoning (e.g. related to an incident), the cause may be investigated and the data recorded.

we do know Bacillus cereus Not the most common cause of gastroenteritis.Other errors such as E. coli, salmonella and Campylobacter Perhaps more commonly, there are also viruses that cause gastroenteritis, such as norovirus.

That said, it’s still worth doing what you can to prevent Bacillus cereus.

How do people protect themselves?

Leftovers are hot when they need to be hot and cold when they need to be cold. It’s all about minimizing the time they spend in danger zones where toxins can grow. This danger zone is temperatures above refrigerator temperature and below 60°C (the temperature at which you should reheat food).

After cooking, refrigerate leftovers immediately if you plan to keep some of the food for the next few days. No need to wait for food to cool down.

Also, break large batches into smaller portions if you can. When you put something in the refrigerator, it takes a while for the cold to penetrate into the food, so smaller amounts can help. This will also minimize the number of times you have to take food out of the refrigerator.

As a general guide, you can follow the two-hour/four-hour rule. So if something has been out of the refrigerator for up to two hours, it’s safe to put it back. If left out longer, eat immediately and throw away leftovers. Risks start to arise if you’re out for more than four hours.

The food safety adage applies here: when in doubt, throw it out.

It is also worth bearing in mind the general principles of food hygiene. Wash your hands before preparing food. Use clean utensils and do not cross-contaminate cooked foods with raw foods.dialoguedialogue

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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