From COPD to depression, how to face problems that often go undiagnosed

Because the disease is associated with smoking, some people overlook symptoms, such as coughing, thinking they are “normal” for smokers or former smokers, when in fact they are the first warning signs of COPD Signal (Getty)

according to World Health Organization (Who is chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseas can be seen from the abbreviation chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseIs third cause of death around the world and caused a stir in 2019 3.23 million people died.

doctor Joseph FagioliThe head of the psychiatry department at an Italian hospital explained to us database COPD is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that causes Breathing and air circulation are blocked.

As far as doctors are concerned Sebastian BaqueroDirector of the Pneumonia Department and Pulmonary Specialist at the Trinidad Sanatorium in Palermo said database In a recent note: “This is a Lung condition Heterogeneity is characterized by chronic respiratory symptoms (dyspnea, cough, sputum production) persistent, often progressive symptoms and symptoms due to abnormalities in the airways (bronchitis, bronchiolitis) and/or alveoli (emphysema) airflow obstruction. It is important to emphasize that this disease is preventable in many cases and treatable in all cases. “

Symptoms of COPD include: shortness of breath (difficulty breathing); chronic cough; large amounts of mucus in the lungs and wheezing. Environmental causes include smoking and air pollution (Illustration Infobae)

He added: “In Between 10% and 15% of the world’s population over the age of 40 have COPD. (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and About 75% are underdiagnosedBased on large-scale epidemiological studies that have been published worldwide and conducted in Latin America and Argentina.this means 75 out of 100 people with COPD don’t know they have COPD They are not receiving adequate treatment,” he warned.

Dr. Baquero said the main symptoms patients experience are: Shortness of breath (dyspnea), which begins primarily during physical activity and eventually limits these individuals’ daily activities; chronic cough; Abundant lung mucus (phlegm). Furthermore, although observed with some frequency, post while breathing (wheezing); oppression Chest; respiratory tract infection often; Energy shortage; unintentional weight loss (in later stages); Swelling of ankles, feet, or legs.

Dr. Faccioli noted that COPD is not a psychosomatic disease, but, “there is Diseases that coexist with depressionsometimes anxiety, this happens very frequently. “

“A psychiatric approach is sometimes required to treat depression because it greatly affects chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the evolution of clinical disease,” said Dr. Faccioli (Illustrative Image Infobae

He added: “The prevalence of depression in the general population ranges between 4% and 7%.However, in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), this prevalence may be as high as 30%.Chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can negatively impact the body patient quality of life and need physical limitations, Decreased work performance, changes in social life, and poor emotional life“, he claimed.

Dr. Faccioli explains These depressive states often go undetected. what is the reason? : “Basically it’s because Not seeking psychologysome reasons are related to patients, among which Attributing mental illness to a physical condition, instead of focusing so much on depression. “

“There are also reasons related to the medical component, as experts focus on the clinical or physical without delving into the psychological condition of the patient,” he added.

Faccioli points out that another factor has to do with health care system, Because “doctors are trained a lot on the clinical side, but not so much on the psychological side. The number of consultations a doctor has to attend also affects the time they have to focus on psychological issues and connect with patients to deepen their mental state.”

It is important to emphasize that COPD is a disease that is preventable in many cases and treatable in all cases (Getty)

Experts from Italian hospitals explained that current scientific literature shows that mood disorders, e.g. frustratedresponsible for most issues related to chronic disease“as Low treatment compliance and the resulting increase Morbidity and Mortality. therefore, Detection of depression affects disease evolution and prognosis Clinically, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Since psychopathology goes undetected, this affects the patient’s physical state, worsens their psychological condition and increases their level of depression, which constitutes vicious circle.

“Said Underdiagnosis Inadequate and/or non-existent treatment of depression, resulting in unresolved psychological changes Evolution of lesion pathology This in turn leads to the patient’s mental state deteriorating, forming a vicious cycle. “

“Apparently, depressed patients don’t adhere to treatment and don’t take all concrete steps to improve their COPD, and sometimes even patients who smoke continue to smoke while they’re depressed,” Faccioli explained. As a result, the condition continues to worsen.”

Statistics show that 50% of people with COPD in the world are current or former smokers, so avoiding smoking has a very important impact in preventing the disease (Getty)

“In this vicious cycle, we need Diagnosis and Psychotherapy Sometimes it is necessary psychiatric approachas it greatly affects the evolution of the clinical disease in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),” the doctor clarified.

COPD treatments aim to improve symptoms and prevent worsening of condition The disease worsens, further worsening the patient’s quality of life and increasing mortality.

Treatment mainly uses inhalation therapy. Bronchodilators different mechanisms and Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs.

Dr. Faccioli said Treatment of depression in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is based on accompaniment psychotherapy Please indicate if necessary Psychotropic medication.

Chronic diseases such as COPD can negatively impact patients’ quality of life, leading to physical limitations, reduced work performance, changes in social life and impoverished emotional life (Getty)

“It is important that the consultation not only focus on clinical vision and its laboratory studies; Ask patients and their families about their emotions and the patient’s psychological functioning. “

He added: “Body diseases should not be limited to the physical part, the psychological part is equally important and this part must be paid attention to in order to cure physical diseases.”

Finally, Dr. Fagioli concluded: “Know that any clinical disease has a psychological component that, if not treated or accompanied by it, makes it more and more severe. A person can never be ill from only the physical part, and it It is always a mental and physical disease, “Health is mental and physical health.”

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