From entertainment and sports VIPs to fairytale weddings, everyone is crazy about Borgo Egnazia, the exclusive Apulian resort

The website reads, “You can’t be anywhere else.” Borgo Egnazia, a luxury resort in Seveletri in the Fasani region, A structure made of tuff and local stone, surrounded by olive groves and Mediterranean shrubs. Here the beauty of the typical villages of the past has been recreated respecting the Apulian architecture and the welcoming and sincere hospitality. An idea of ​​unconventional luxury with a rural touch, since 2010, the year of its opening.
It is no coincidence that more and more VIPs from the world of entertainment, sports and even politicians choose it as a place for their holidays.
since Friday There’s Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, with her partner and her daughter, But the weekend is coming to an end, from today, July 2, the family is expected to return to Rome. of the Apulian stop of the prime minister, who has come here to rest but also to find places to welcome the next heroes of the G7, which will take place in Puglia in a year, so far no images leaked Neither on its social channels nor elsewhere, given the extreme secrecy of the resort, which continues to welcome names of global importance, making Italy’s most talked about heel everywhere.

VIPs who spent their holidays in this structure

In early June, before his father’s death, he was also thereand Silvio Berlusconi’s daughters, Barbara and Eleonorawith the children. Barbara, the most sociable of the sisters, wrote of Puglia, taking a phrase from Carlo Levi: “a divine painting, with the olive tree as brush and the earth as canvas”.
Borgo Egnazia is the same structure that the Beckhams chose for their family vacations. Relaxed and happy in the few published shots, David and Victoria stayed for two consecutive years, in 2019 and 2020, at the opulent structure that English tabloids named “Beckingham Palace” for the occasion.
Too Madonna celebrated her 63rd birthday there in August 2021, And it wasn’t even the first time that the American singer relaxed at the exclusive resort, as she went there in 2016 and also in 2017 to blow out the candles with Pizzica.

famous weddings

In this fairy-tale setting, there is no shortage of weddings. Several famous yess, the latest in chronological order, were shared widely on Instagram, the yes between Inter defenders Alessandro Bastoni and Camila Bresciani. A party that lasted 4 days, including a series of wedding-related events, then a rooftop celebration on 23 June, with a wedding dinner in the village square and a cake cutting in the evening by the sea in Cala And fireworks were done. Massiola. One of the first weddings of global importance was celebrated in October 2012 Between singer-songwriter Justin Timberlake and actress Jessica Biel. On that occasion also the impregnable fortress, to celebrate the union between the two stars who spared no expense, spent about 5 million euros, according to what was written at the time. married there, again in 2012, but a few months earlier, in June, also of the former footballer Giandomenico Maesto and Subrata and dancer Sara Facciolini.
The resort couldn’t miss the pairing created by the most famous digital entrepreneur on the social network, Chiara Ferragni, and her husband FedezSeveral visitors to what is now a nice Apulian retreat contributed to further increasing the notoriety of the structure, with Instagram stories posted by “Ferry”, who had a following of nearly 30 million followers.
In Puglia also from the beginning of June Pippo InzaghiRegina’s coach, with his partner, Wedding planner Angela Robusti. They too have been spending their holidays at Borgo Egnazia, posting pictures of their happy days with their two young children in the structure, amid colorful bougainvillea and water sports in the pool.

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