From flu to conjunctivitis: Burridge once again has excuses for his performance

Minutes after Argentina’s second presidential debate ended, social networks were flooded with Photo by Patricia Burridgecandidates for common change, Get assistance from the person in charge of SAMEAlberto Crescenti.

Burridge’s expression was visible throughout the debate. Right eye discomfort, having difficulty opening.He was in tears, angry, and evenSometimes he had to use a handkerchief to clean himself.

Crescenti himself confirmed Patricia Burridge suffered from conjunctivitis. “She’s perfect, she just has conjunctivitis. While he was debating, he touched his eyes and during the break we gave him eye drops,” explained the head of SAME.

X provided by ElBuni

It should be remembered that heLast week, during the first candidate debate, Burridge mentioned that he was running a fever.

In a statement to Continental Radio, the candidate explained that it was “difficult” for her to conduct the first debate due to a “very bad flu.” “It put me in a bad mood for several days, and it was important to be able to focus,” he said, justifying his performance in the discussions between the candidates. “I’m going to keep my firmness, my ideas and the things that I think make us unique,” he said before last night’s debate.

Last Monday, Burridge began his speech in front of 500 young people at PRO by apologizing, “I broke my leg because I had a full flu infection, I had a fever, all my ears were blocked, it was a complicated situation.”

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