From Friday 1 to Sunday 10 September, the 28th edition of The City in Your Pocket will take place: culture, entertainment, games and nature with the children and teenagers of Rome.


From Friday 1 to Sunday 10 September, the 28th edition of The City in Your Pocket will take place: culture, entertainment, games and nature with the children and teenagers of Rome.


La Città in Tasca returns with many new features and creative activities to spend carefree summer days with the whole family in the shadow of Rome’s Scipioni Park: readings, games, shows, films and workshops that lead to the discovery of the universal languages ​​of art

“City in your pocket”the historic event dedicated to the boys and girls of Rome, now in its 28th edition, returns Friday 1st to Sunday 10th September To Scipio ParkV Via di Porta Latina, 10 with many works of art, literature, games and entertainment that will entertain, amaze and nurture again, as for more than twenty-five years, many visitors, young and old. La Città in Tasca is essentially an “event” where parents can share with their children the pleasure of a show, game, concert, workshop, reading, chosen together to create a culture in the family.

CREATIVE WORKSHOPS AND PLAY SPACES – Every day there are many expressive, creative and technological workshops dedicated to art and the environment. Workshops for children and teenagers “La Città in Tasca” in the Scipioni Park in Rome are a real workshop of ideas and manual skills, where games and experiments are held, they learn to recognize and use a wide variety of materials without limits to ingenuity. Who says learning and fun can’t go hand in hand? Accompanied by specialized cameramen and experienced animators, children will be able to choose from a variety of daily workshops, becoming part of the process of creativity and invention, experiencing the experience of discovery and fun.

In addition, under the cool trees of the Scipioni Park, children and teenagers will be able to freely participate in various games and recreational activities alone or in a company. Arciragazzi Roma operators will offer outdoor games, group games, popular traditional games and traditional games from around the world. The play area is actually a free meeting space where parents and children can play together or participate in activities offered by the animators.

READING Every day a new reading. There are many reading workshops that aim to actively engage children and young people on an emotional and cultural level, encouraging them to listen, understand, give space, color and imagination to their imagination. Stories, fairy tales, famous books and timeless works that give children and teenagers the opportunity to discover new forms language, stimulate expression of his mood, fantastic inner world and his creativity. The meetings are attended by writers, representatives of publishing houses, illustrators and booksellers who will be happy to give stormy emotions to all the little guests.

SHOW AND FILMS – There are also many shows and films that will take turns taking place in the halls of Parque degli Scipioni. Every day there are free screenings for girls and boys, for girls and boys, selected from the best national and international art offerings, with particular attention to the promotion of young artists. The program of live performances provides for the alternation of different genres and techniques: from puppets to puppets, from circus theater to music, from children’s theater to clowning. Added to this are screenings of the best art-house films and animated films dedicated to young audiences and beyond.

They open “City in your pocket” Sheriff’s Organic Green Beans companies of the city of Ferrara e movie “The Lorax”, guardian of the forest film with Danny DeVito, Ed Helms, Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Rob Riggle, Jenny Slate.

It’s still Pink Mary in Ditzy show of aerial acrobatics and clowning; Opera buffa Teatro Verdea collection of the most famous arias of the Italian repertoire performed by two puppeteers-clowns-mimes; Dr. Stock in analog experiments in street physicsconceived and interpreted by Giulio Ottaviani, Workshop of Prometheus companies Divisoperzero – Florian Metatheaterwith puppets telling the story of how all animals were invented, including humans.

In conclusion, on a high note Sunday, September 10, Anonymous Tunesmiths concert which they will interpret with a cappella voices and harmonious singing, from pop music to Italian and international folk songs, from old classics to the latest pop and rock hits, as well as the SOMARI evening show by Il Laborincolo, a puppet theater in a hut searching for children’s fairy tales . In addition, La Citta in Taska will take place from 1 to 10 September. Mini Recycled Car Shipyard & Mini Recycled Car Race 2023Zero Impact Small Car Grand Prix offered in collaboration with the project Make a difference, there is… Sustainability Festival.

Finally this season “City in your pocket” again “wandering”. In fact, this year Citta in Tasca will arrive on the afternoon of 23 September to entertain boys and girls with their shows, art workshops and animation games: in the Pisino Park in Via Pellegrino Matteucci, snc (Ostiense – VIII City Hall); in the Gallin Bianche Library in Via delle Gallin Bianche, 105 (Labaro – Municipality XV); at the XXV Aprile sports ground at 80 Via Marica (Pietralata – Municipality IV).


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