Once upon a time, red roses were thrown on stage to honor the talent of an artist. On the other hand, today, anything is thrown not to pay tribute to the singer but to trouble and even hurt him. This is becoming a very dangerous fad literally, throw random objects at the singers To test their ability to stand on stage. We don’t know who was the fan who started this phenomenon, but considering we don’t live in particularly smart times where it’s an instant for a stunt to become a trend, here are dozens of artists who have been involved in actual acts of vandalism. Not only do they hinder performance, but they can also cause a lot of damage. It happened, among others, a Fly, got hit by a smartphone in Chicago; To baby rexa, was hit in the face with a phone; But this also pinkTo Demi LovatoTo Ariana Grande and recently a Harry StylesShot in the eye during his last concert in Vienna.
and late adele, During his show in Las Vegas, he thought of playing early with a warning “If someone throws something at me, I will kill him”The question begs: why do paying fans decide to engage in such a silly trend? It’s possible that the mechanism that causes many users to “greet” their ideals on Instagram has something to do with this: need to see And for a moment, to be the center of attention. Social media and influencers seem to suggest that anyone can be famous, which is why The concept of fame has changed a lot Over the years, to the extent that almost everyone thinks they might be sharing the scene with their favorite idol, from Harry Styles to Vasco Rossi. Beyond everything, we think it’s worth keeping calm and making a distinction between what’s right and what’s wrong: because if we fail to understand that throwing a phone in someone’s face is a dangerous and petty thing, So maybe it’s worth raising your hand and surrendering to human stupidity.