From pandemic to three pandemics

From the outbreak to three popular.This is a sentence is becoming fashionable Across Europe, a wave of respiratory infections is putting huge pressure on primary health centers and hospitals. three epidemics, or three epidemics — as it is known in the United States and some Latin American countries — is used to refer to a combination of three respiratory viruses that coexist this winter: coronaviruses SARS-COV-2 causes Covid-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), or the common cold, which is responsible for up to 80% of cases of bronchitis in children under two years of age.In recent weeks, coinciding with the Christmas holidays, there has been an increase in the incidence of three prevalent viruses, which has resulted in Health authorities take emergency measures In an attempt to stem infections, some autonomous regions, such as Catalonia, Valencia or Murcia, have reinstated masks in health centers and residences, which could be extended to other regions of Spain after a meeting of an interregional committee convened by the Ministry of Health today.

From banal worries to even death

viruses affecting respiratory tract May cause mediocre discomfort reason symptom Symptoms such as general malaise, fatigue, fever, congestion or mucus can cause a patient to be unconscious for several days until the symptoms resolve on their own.While vaccines and acquired immunity have made Covid-19, which was deadly in pandemic times, now as cold as cold, sometimes may result in hospitalization, Especially young children and the elderly, but They can also cause serious complications and in those who are immunosuppressed or at risk. may even lead to death Due to respiratory and cardiovascular complications.

As opposed to using the word “tristate”

there are more 200 different viruses The causes of colds are almost always banal.this Rhinovirus is the most common. Right now, respiratory infection cases are surging, especially because since the pandemic began, Influenza and respiratory syncytial virus almost disappeared and now they are back. According to the Carlos III Health Institute, these illnesses have increased in recent weeks, causing health care centers to collapse.but The coexistence of three dominant viruses does not mean that they affect each other at the same timewhich is why some experts warn Using three popular concepts may have negative consequences.The situation is like this spanish association Family and Community Medicine (semFYC)called for the return of masks in primary care centres, but they wanted to emphasize the idea that we are not in the middle of a triple pandemic (influenza, coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus). “It is inappropriate to use the term ‘three pops’, because it can give What it feels like to be infected with two or more of these viruses at the same time Therefore, the situation is more serious. Really, “There are very few cases of mixed infections.”explained José María Molero, spokesperson of the semFYC Infectious Disease Working Group.

Now in Europe, earlier in the United States

he Financial Times An article published this Saturday, “EEurope fights three epidemics This has the potential to push health systems to their limits due to rising cases of influenza, Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses. “Spain and Italy are among the worst-affected countries as hospitals struggle to cope with the influx of patients and health facilities in some areas reintroduce coronavirus-era mask mandates,” he said. It has been used in the United States since Octoberand other countries in the Americas are warning of increased Covid-19 activity, with alarming numbers of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza cases.According to epidemiological data from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) at the time, the most affected countries were United States, located in the northern hemisphereand the southernmost country in the Southern Hemisphere (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and southern Brazil). “Triple epidemic? Flu and other infections are back as COVID-19 cases rise. Flu cases are higher than normal this time and are expected to increase in the coming weeks. A third virus, RSV, is affecting pediatric hospitals in some U.S. states ,”He said. New York Times October 26 last year. We met in early January, Triple outbreaks in US continue to strain emergency services Hospitals and pharmacies were cleared of over-the-counter medicines to relieve flu symptoms. In Europe it can go a long way too.

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