Galapagos Islands studying El Niño and its possible impact on bird flu

Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), March 19 (EFE) – The paradisiacal Galapagos Islands are one of the best-preserved marine reserves in the world, where British scientist Charles Darwin introduced them in the 19th century Developing his theories of species selection and natural evolution, they have failed to escape the effects of bird flu, which has affected several species of bird species in the archipelago, a team of researchers is trying to determine whether the El Niño climate phenomenon could help authorities take steps to stop it its spread.

Strict biosecurity rules, constant monitoring and the closure of some islands to tourism have allowed authorities to stem the spread of the disease in the archipelago, an area rich in biodiversity, much of which is endemic.

Arturo Izurieta, director of the Galapagos National Park, said in an interview with EFE: “We have taken the measures within our capabilities and used appropriate technical means. I believe this has It has had an effect.” Since 1978, it has been listed as a natural heritage of mankind by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

A team of scientists from the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) is investigating whether this climate phenomenon is already having an impact on Ecuador due to an active El Niño – abnormal warming of the eastern tropical Pacific that causes heavy rains and flooding along the coast of mainland Ecuador. Impact on the rate of spread of the H5N1 virus that causes avian influenza.

Gustavo Jiménez Uzcátegui, chief researcher of the CDF’s seabird project, told EFE that after multiple monitoring sessions and collecting hundreds of samples, they have identified four affected birds: red-footed boobies, blue-footed boobies, nausea Card boobies and frigates.

Test results showed 34 positive cases among birds, but of the remaining deaths, it “has not yet been proven” that they were caused by avian influenza, he said. He noted that “ground zero” is Punta Pete on San Cristóbal Island, but also that there are cases on Genovese Island, Darwin Island, Wolf Island and Lobos Island.

They are currently investigating in the archipelago, about a thousand kilometers off the coast of mainland Ecuador, why the disease does not spread as easily as in mainland Peru, Chile and Ecuador.

The disease arrived in the Galapagos Islands in September 2023, spreading both mechanically (transfer of equipment or humans) and direct transmission (from sick animals to healthy animals). Jimenez said the virus arrived in the islands from affected individuals “probably coming from foraging areas in the Galapagos Islands.”

Jiménez said the disease is “literally devastating and the animal will die within 48 hours.” Bird flu generally has a greater impact in colder areas, he added.

“The hypothesis we put forward is that temperatures are rising due to El Niño,” and by keeping them that way, the virus can be prevented from affecting different species more aggressively, he noted.

Therefore, he speculates, “Maybe El Niño is positive just so that the disease doesn’t become as deadly and active as it would be during a normal cold season.” This will be confirmed by monitoring. When the warm season passes, El Niño may continue into Mid-2024.

“Over thousands of years, El Niño and La Niña have had both positive and negative impacts on Galapagos species and habitats, and these species have evolved in response,” commented Jimenez. But problems arise when El Niño occurs. Climate change is becoming stronger and more frequent due to the climate crisis.

“We have taken follow-up actions and in line with the biosecurity mechanisms this requires, we have suspended boat tours (in certain areas) because of the potential for the spread of the virus to occur physically: red-footed boobies follow the boats and defecate on them , passengers can walk as well as transport to other islands,” Izurieta explained.

Therefore, the islands of Genoviza, northern San Cristóbal, Punta Piet and Lobos are temporarily closed to tourism “in order to avoid the impact on other islands with endemic and vulnerable populations, such as Española” Damage was caused and tourism was suspended. The visit to Punta Suarez,” he explained.

On Monday, they lifted last week’s restrictions on land travel to Punta Espinosa (Fernandina Island) and Bahia Urbina (Isabela Island) because of the presence of laboratories in these areas Several dead birds were found, ruling out the possibility of bird flu. ..

Previously, “the possibility of visiting beach areas away from communities has been opened a little, with all the technical reports to avoid the spread of this virus and to manage tourism in the best possible way,” Izurieta explained.

Park directors have announced that if the latest monitoring results for Lobo Island come back negative, they may open the park the first week of April, followed by Punta Pete Island, but everything is still being studied.

Suzanne Madeira

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