Garfitt says penguins are not at risk

Leonardo Gaffet in an interview with #LA17 mentions mammal-related tourism products, in particular penguin watching in the reserve and diving with sea lions, an activity that was suspended a month ago .

the minister said “First of all, there’s no official bird flu in penguins. They’re coming, they’re coming well. I mean, there’s nothing official today. Again, different areas are expected to have completely different approaches because of the type of visit and where they’re not in direct contact. protocol system.”

In this sense, he distinguished this activity from diving with wolves, “What happens when snorkeling with wolves is that we are in direct contact with the animals. Furthermore, this danger is happening, in fact, to mammals like wolves, occasionally to wolves, and occasionally to elephants. So , in fact, we must act quickly.”

Garfitt emphasized “There are zoonotic diseases, which means there are situations that have to be addressed, and it’s health-related. It’s suspended, I’m suspending it every 15 days. In fact, I have recommendations for six months or more. But That’s what we have always done, monitoring accordingly. “We are also committed to the monitoring carried out by Senasa. ”

they are not closed

“The problem is real and we have to focus on it. The dive operators are not shutting down. In other words, what is being suspended is one of the products they are developing. We are moving forward. Now I got a piece of paper on Friday Article, in which there is the possibility of an agreement. We have to study it. “On Thursday we will have a meeting with the dive operators” Indian.

Provincial officials emphasized “We did what we had to do. And they understood it. Obviously, the economic situation is well known. But we also have to understand that these companies are not being shut down, but one of the star products is being shut down, but we have to. Do. Historically, that’s part of the responsibility of a destination, first to care for its people, the people who work in the area, and then to respect visitors.”

An important question about activities is “Today they are unpaid activities and you have to control them, so the state has to impose controls but receives no benefit.”

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