Gastritis in pregnancy: symptoms, causes and treatment

Paola Soriano Lillo

this gastritis Is a situation Caused Inflammation or irritation of the stomach lining This is very common in Total population, Therefore, it will also affect any pregnant usually produces stomach ache, nausea, discomfort and indigestion, Among other things.

unlike the rest of the peoplethis the difference That is Symptoms that future mothers may experience there are many of them Sharper. it’s because of your digestive system Now more sensitive Because women’s own situation at this stage makes them More likely to experience nausea and vomiting itself.


symptoms of gastritis

When inflamed gastric mucosastomach wall, a range of symptoms Like these:

  • Stomach and upper abdominal pain.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Heartburn.
  • Blood in vomit and/or black stool.
  • Loss of appetite and hunger.
  • Bad breath.
  • Hiccups.
  • Headache and fever (although uncommon).


Why does this happen?

have different reasons This could lead to this pathology:

  • pressure What to exercise for babies Against the stomach.
  • using drugs NSAIDs in a long way.
  • consume Spicy food.
  • stomach infection by bacteria Helicobacter pylori.
  • alcohol abuseWhile it is considered contraindicated for pregnant women, this should not be a trigger.

How to prevent gastritis during pregnancy?

  • don’t drink, spices Not with drinks caffeine.Neither fatty foods anyone Spicy.
  • absorb elderly Vegetable ratio (cooked, not raw) fruit and cereals.
  • eat More dairy products (yoghurt and cheese) relief Stimulate gastric.
  • No Eating candy.
  • Avoid concentrated fruit juices and Carbonated drinks anyone Very sugary.
  • eat exist less quantitybut do More meals up to date.One suggestion is eat slowly and chew Good food.
  • drink and frequency and, in particular, water.
  • reduce pressure The further away the better.
  • Don’t eat before going to bed. It’s best to wait a few hours before going to bed to help prevent reflux from occurring.
  • wear Loose clothes that are not too tight.
  • Keep your head slightly elevated (between 5 and 10 cm) so that stomach acid remains in place and is Promote digestion.

Couple looking for baby

Gastritis Treatment: Natural Remedies

  • eliminate from diet this Spicy food as sauce, spices anyone Pickleto reduce heartburn.
  • avoid food high fat content as fried and fast food anyone precooked.
  • reduce consumption carbohydrate; this unrefined flourthis spaghetti and red meat They make the stomach look more resentful.
  • Don’t abuse coffee and tea, just one cup can cause heartburn.The best thing is to place a bet juice Avoid citrus fruits, which may cause burns.
  • Limit sugar intake.Not to eliminate it, but yes Avoid high-calorie desserts waves industrial pastry.
  • stay well can have it water and drinks isotonic.
  • At first you can follow a liquid diet then go Gradually introduce solid foods.

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