Gastroenteritis: How to Treat

Gastroenteritis: How to Treatfree drawing

Diarrhea refers to an increase in the number of daily stools, which are liquid, and an increase in the total weight of stool excreted in a day. About a quarter of a liter of water is lost in the stool with each episode of diarrhea. If an episode lasts less than two weeks, it’s called an acute episode.

it behaves as Abdominal pain, nausea, weakness, loss of appetite, and a feeling of emergency evacuation Occasionally there is a fever.

When patients vomit and/or have diarrhea, they lose mineral salts in addition to water.

In acute gastroenteritis, vomiting usually does not last more than 1 or 2 days. Diarrhea may continue for several days. Some diarrhea is caused by taking antibiotics, which, in addition to killing infectious bacteria, also kill common bacteria in the gut that are important for digestion. Others are caused by medication side effects or food poisoning.


the first one, and The fundamental thing is to treat dehydration. You have to drink water to make up for the loss. In case of vomiting, if we drink a glass of water as usual, the irritated stomach will expel it.that’s why Intake will be done in small bites. Take as little as a teaspoon of water in a few sips. Small amounts of water do not pass through the stomach under the tongue and into the bloodstream, nor are they absorbed by the esophageal wall.

“Staying well hydrated is essential to recoup losses”

Drinking water is essential. The idea that if you drink water you will increase diarrhea and that if you don’t drink water you will cut yourself from lack of fluids is completely wrong. For healthy people, the water they drink passes from the intestines into the bloodstream. During diarrhea, water flows in the opposite direction, from the blood to the intestines. The body produces about 9 liters of digestive juices every day, which logically consists of more than just water. We just need to remember the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. You can not drink a drop of water, not eat anything, and vomit 20 times a day.

Because what is lost is not just water, We must replenish lost minerals.exist Pharmacy mineral salt preparations; They are the ideal solution for hydration.

Once the vomiting goes away, you should start eating other foods, starting with small meals, five times a day.

Diarrhea No reason to interrupt food intake. Some grains, such as cereals, can increase the absorption of water in the intestines, shortening the duration of the process.

Abdominal pain, nausea, weakness, and loss of appetite are the main symptoms.

The most suitable foods are: rice, carrots, cooked potatoes, boiled vegetables, pasta soup and bananas.. Yogurt, regular or organic, to enhance improvements, Repair intestinal wall cells and prevent recurrence. They also provide the bacilli that make up the normal intestinal flora, which are essential for digestion but are often reduced during these processes.

you shouldn’t drink milk No dairy products, no sausages, no preserves, no raw vegetables, no cooked gas-producing vegetables, no hard-to-digest fruits (cherries, plums).

Medications are limited to antiemetics (antiemetics) until vomiting stops, and analgesics and antipyretics (acetaminophen, ibuprofen) to reduce fever and relieve pain. In most cases, antidiarrheal medication is usually not necessary, but your doctor will indicate if it is needed.


Although gastroenteritis is almost always caused by an infection, antibiotics are not necessary; more importantly, most of the time they are harmful and prolong the illness. In some cases, rarely, they may be necessary, such as Salmonella typhi infection, but the doctor will be the one to send them. The vast majority of infections caused by different strains of Salmonella do not require antibiotic treatment.

Physiological constipation usually occurs after a few days of diarrhea. It’s intestinal rest, don’t worry.

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