Gastroenteritis outbreak in Tarazona affects 234 people

Gastroenteritis outbreak in Tarazona affects 234 peopleGoogle

the town Tarazonain Zaragoza, suffered gastroenteritis outbreak This leaves 234 people affected. Aragon’s Ministry of Health has confirmed that the origin of the outbreak detected this week was found in water consumed by humans. The pathogen is a protozoa of the genus “Cryptosporidium”. Experts reached this conclusion after obtaining laboratory culture results from stool samples from patients in the area. In light of this alert, tap water consumption has been restricted until further notice.

This egg sac protozoan They are found in the intestines of humans or livestock and can contaminate water, leading to community outbreaks, such as the one in Tarazona. Laboratory diagnosis of this protozoa can only be detected in fecal cultures because it is not detectable in drinking water. “Although initially Possibility of high chlorination of water As a measure, this finding in stool culture requires Continue to limit water consumption and take concrete and more relevant measures,” they said at the health department.

Due to the suddenness of the outbreak, the large number of people affected, and the fact that it was the only common consumption, the source of the outbreak was determined to be water consumed by humans. “this Scientists warn Current wastewater purification and drinking water purification systems do not always pose a sufficient barrier to the survival of protozoan cysts, which are resistant to chlorine treatment. “The disease has become very rare in Spain and Europe in recent years and is considered a common disease. Possible diseases. In addition to being spread through drinking water, this protozoa can also be spread from person to person through the fecal route.

Advice for gastroenteritis outbreaks

he Aragonese Government It is recommended that for people who have or have had symptoms related to the disease, Take extreme personal hygiene measures Wash your hands, especially after changing an infected child or patient’s diaper within 48 hours after the diarrhea has gone away. You should wash your hands with soap and water, especially after using the bathroom and before and after preparing food. In these situations, alcohol-based hand sanitizer will not work.

  • People with symptoms should be prevented from handling food or caring for hospitalized or immunocompromised people or institutions (nursing homes, day care centers) until 48 hours after diarrhea has resolved.
  • Health authorities recommend that children attending day care should be admitted 48 hours after diarrhea has resolved.
  • Because germs can be excreted after diarrhea ends, patients are advised to avoid bathing in swimming pools for two weeks after diarrhea stops.
  • It is recommended to avoid having sex until the diarrhea has gone away for two weeks.

this suggestion The general profile of Tarazona’s population is:

  • Boil water for at least 10 minutes to clean utensils and surfaces.
  • Do not use tap water for drinking, oral hygiene, or to prepare food or drinks.
  • Tap water can be used for personal hygiene but not oral hygiene.

he Tarazona City HallWith the technical support and cooperation of the Public Health Service of Zaragoza, efforts are being made to design and apply the necessary technical measures to eliminate cysts that may remain in the water supply network and to be able to authorize their consumption without possible restrictions.

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