Gaza war: Could Arab and Muslim voters abandon Joe Biden because of his support for Israel?

    Demonstrations in the United States in support of the Palestinians

A White House aspirant guarantees his success when he builds a broad coalition of voters from diverse backgrounds who are enthusiastic about his plan, even if they disagree on the details and priorities.

Joe Biden was able to count on a broad coalition in the 2020 elections that mainly included the traditional wing of his Democratic Party, which is the wing to which Biden himself belongs, as well as the ascendant left wing of the party, supported by a large segment of American youth.

Arab and Muslim voters were part of Biden’s electoral coalition; Most of them voted for him because he rejected his opponent, Donald Trump, who began his presidential term by banning travelers from Muslim countries from entering his country, and made statements that caused concern and alienation among many. American Muslims.

But now things have changed in a way that could be radical and influential, and the reason is the war between Israel and Gaza.

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