General Hospital handled an average of 154 emergencies a day this summer

Unfortunately, there is one site that many citizens visit during the summer. The scale of the urgent medical needs at the Emergency Services Center of the General Hospital of Segovia is such that the hospital has experienced an increase in nursing activities and assistance needs since the June holiday dates appeared on the calendar. The rebound lasted about three months until employees relocated and filled the vacancies left during the holidays.

Similar things happen in summer and Christmas, but longer and less abruptly. If on a normal day for the rest of the year the number of cases passing through the department fluctuates between 100 and 140 on average, there can be a 40% to 50% increase in incoming cases on dates such as the December long weekend or the Christmas holidays. The situation escalated in just 24 hours to more than 200 aid deliveries. In summer, these peaks are isolated, but the frantic rhythm lasts longer.

Already immersed in the festive heat, only between June 21 and August 8, when the summer season begins to discount, according to data provided by the territorial delegation of the military government of Segovia, the health complex of the province of Segovia The province responded to a total of 7,688 emergencies, for a total of 10,659 if June 1 was used as the initial reference point. There are 154 visits per day, which means there are more stressful days and other less hectic days.

To give you an idea, it’s as if all the residents registered in La Lastrilla, Nava de la Asunción and Cantalejo (approximately 10,600 residents in total) came together for 48 days of information collected by the emergency services from the government. Because their illness required immediate attention, they were either referred from a medical center or skipped primary care. The classification of the ward determines the severity and priority of receiving timely care.

They will wonder if it is normal to work at such an intensity that the emergency teams of the General Hospital support each summer. According to data provided by the person in charge of the provincial health management department, the number of receptions this year has dropped slightly compared to last summer, equivalent to a 7% drop. Specifically, between June 21 and August 8, 2022, teams in the unit treated 8,290 patients. However, the correct answer to the previous question will depend on the circumstances of each summer. While the 2023 numbers are not unreasonable, many conditions will come into play. It doesn’t come out of the eye.


The average daily number of visits to the Emergency Department of Segovia General Hospital in June was 149


In July, the Emergency Department of Segovia General Hospital received an average of 157 visits per day, equivalent to 157 visits per day

1,304 people

The emergency department of Segovia General Hospital saw an average of 163 visits per day between 1 and 8 August

For example, the summer vacation last year was more painful. A combination of factors then combined to lead to increased patient demand, leading to saturation and collapse on some days, with emergency department visits peaking at 270 patients in a 24-hour period. The extreme and persistent heatwave of summer 2022 has exacerbated the rise in respiratory illnesses; staff conditions have been decimated by the holidays and COVID-19, and worse, primary care is nearing saturation.

That medical pressure, in turn, meant that service staff were forced to “extend their shifts by two or three hours” to meet demand because of scripts, recalls the head of the professional nursing union, Satz. Province of Segovia, Miriam Blonde.

Last summer, when a suffocating heat wave suffocated the people of Segovia for much of July, the UGT also cried out to heaven for the number of emergencies in nursing homes. Combined, emergency professionals see “240 to 250” cases in a few days, which means that the workload these teams typically face is at least double during the summer, which itself requires more work than at other times of the year. Lots of homework.

There are more gastroenteritis in summer, and some upper respiratory tract infections, but less than in other seasons

In the summer of 2023, data from the territorial delegation of the military government of Castile and León in Segovia show that it is not so oppressive, but the service has little respite. The number of patients treated in June stood at 4,478, official figures show; in July, demand for care at the General Hospital rose to 4,877, while in the first eight days of August the team handled a total of 1,304 emergencies.

As the work season of the unit progressed, the upward trend in the number of patients per day was most evident. June ended with about 149 services per day; July ended with an average of 157 health emergencies assisted in the reference complex in the province, and early August saw another twist, with the first week of the month An average of 163 patients per day.

The average length of stay for patients who went to hospital emergency rooms in these months was three hours

The increased pressure on health care this summer, as it typically happens each summer during these holiday months, is no longer part of the logic. The population arriving in the province grew exponentially during this time, a pattern that multiplied in towns and cities that received vacationers and children and grandchildren who took advantage of their vacation days after working years to reunite with their hometowns.

If you add more physical activity; spend more time outside of your home “sanctuary”; spend more time outdoors in nature, which carries a greater risk of suffering, such as being bitten; some comparisons Relaxing habits can ignore people’s health shell; overeating; going out to lunch and dinner more, or traveling more, the chances of health accidents increase.

number of cases

Patients treated in the emergency department of the general hospital during the summer vacation, meeting the cause of trauma, such as fractures, dislocations or sprains

from patients

People who required relevant care in the emergency department of Segovia Hospital during the summer ended up in a nursing center


is the average length of stay in the Emergency Department of the Segovia General Hospital since the patient’s arrival, treatment, home or admission

Regarding the day during the summer holidays when more stress on care accumulated in the emergency services of the General Hospital of Segovia, the information sent by the Regional Administration indicated that on Monday after the weekend “there was a 20% increase in the number of patients” than on the rest of the week. Average daily patient numbers are higher. “

Three out of 10 visits to the emergency room during the summer corresponded to “traumatic causes,” that is, mainly fractures and sprains. In addition, 7% were pediatric diseases. The rest of the patients presented a complex picture as they had multiple conditions with “cocurrent health issues”. They also saw “more gastroenteritis and some upper respiratory infections, but less than in other seasons.”

The vast majority of people taken to emergency departments were assisted and returned home without hospitalization. For their part, approximately 9% of patients who come to the clinic require admission. In summer, Segovians spend an average of about 3 hours, or 193 minutes, in emergency rooms.

Specializations to match Europe

Luis Gomez de Montes.


Segovia’s current health care manager, Luis Gómez de Montes, is one of the most vocal advocates for preserving the age-old medical need for nothing more than the creation of a health emergency specialty in Spain. The person in charge knew about the request and what was required for the implant, as he had been in charge of the Emergency Department of the General Hospital for over twenty years. He misses “homogeneous and accredited” training because he believes that, if there is a profession, the work already carried out will be improved by equivalence with European standards. Spain, along with Cyprus and Portugal, is one of three countries where EU emergency activities are not supported through MIR with specialization and training programmes.

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