General information requirements: “national urgency”

Now you can find the best time to view general information right here. Indeed, after a police investigation and search of a journalist carried out in the media, Reveal, Ariane Lavrilleux, the judicial authority of the Lille police summoned three journalists from Libération, etc. 24subject Place de France will rank in the 2023 World Press Freedom RSF, among others who will find the big surprise promised by Emmanuel Macron as a pendant to the 2022 presidential campaign. Originally scheduled for November today, these general efforts are designed to “protect free information from interference,” according to the president. Led by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) secretary-general Christophe Deloire, he is expected to conduct a diagnostic exercise among labor groups and in consultations with citizens to explain his proposals ahead of 2024.

Difficult period for the information sector

Ces états généraux de l’information étaient visitus. The fact is that the period is troublesome for the information sector: the failure of citizens in the media, problems associated with the concentration of media groups, the great history of JDD after the arrival of Geoffroy Lejeune, threats about the secrecy of sources, the spread of fake news… For Nathalie Sonnac, a professor at Pantheon universities, Assas and former CSA member, published here. The New World of Media: A Democratic Necessity, According to Odile Jacob, these general developments are of “national relevance”.

“Digital giants complement our space information. There is competition with your country’s traditional media in a more global context of information provision. High-quality information is repeatedly guaranteed, diluted with an ocean of content, polluted by illegal content and fake news,” exposes the media economics specialist. “The most worrying thing is that there is a deconsolidation of democracies: a lack of trust among citizens in institutions and, in particular, in the media,” he wonders.

The current program of work has not yet gained widespread acceptance, especially among subject matter experts with a strong focus on other topics such as artificial intelligence or media education. For Natalie Sonnak, “he is a national legislator and teaches information issues, a numeric citizen.” There is a civic priority: “faut redonner du pouvoir aux citoyens”, “qu’on leur men les instruments de compréhension pour actir”, “comprendre notamment comment se fabrique l’information”, “la desinformation et renforcer l’esprit critique”. The goal is to restore citizens’ trust in the media.”

Arnaud Mercier, also a professor at the Panthéon-Assas Institute of the French Press, is here and reflects on AI, that “I regard the ethical and responsible use of media”, “cerner l’enjeu de ce, this is what IA does” . suppress journalists, and this makes the news agency a destroyer of journalistic work.”

On the shores of the Senate, however, the laisse plutôt initiative puzzles Laurent Lafon, centrist senator from Val-de-Marne and president of the Senate commission on media concentration, which does not wait for the “pas grande” to choose.” “I seem to be embarrassed by finality,” he explains, “and I never left the missionary letter. Now here I am, waiting for an informal structure that depends on these objects, and because they are fluid, I am bold with the actors who want to participate.” “If you don’t know whether parliamentarians are connected, no comment,” asks Sylvie Robert. She is very enthusiastic about this initiative. The Socialist senator from Ille-et-Vilaine welcomes the “large format, extremely interesting.” Both senators are ready to participate.

Industry experts monitoring changes in legislation

How are you looking forward to these common items? In addition to diagnoses, as experts say, legislative evolution is taking place. Pour Nathalie Sonnac, “The year 1986, which guaranteed freedom of audiovisual communication, is nombreux endroits désuète, notamment le dispositif de mesures anti-concentration.” Hello, New metrics like attention span and new ways to use the internet are important. Il faut par ailleurs revoir le système des help de l’Etat à la presse, in particular, allouer aux entreprises qui en ont reellelement besoin. Faut également un nouveau cadre de la donnée: the issue of access to information is crucial, since digital tablets occupy a dominant position and can act as censers. Algorithmic transparency and women’s share of value must be guaranteed.”

Arnaud Mercier, he explained the difference between chains of information and chains of opinions. “On parfaitement is the right to have chains of opinions, more than words in words, and which creates the impression that there is a chain of information. The fact that legislators know how to differentiate between them and where there is reflection is dessus, noting that Arkom cannot interfere with the course of payment of fees on the circuits, here does not respect legal right. obligation”, explain, see the CNews chain in detail.

General information steps were taken simultaneously with the vote on the Freedom of the Media Act in the European Parliament.

The reflections launched by Emmanuel Macron came at the same time as the European Parliament voted on the European Media Freedom Act, a text presented by the European Commission in September 2022 that aims to harmonize the protection of journalists and the freedom of European citizens. level presses. The lengthy discussions on this page at the same time bring France to the table to introduce a disposition allowing, for example, the recollection of logical explanations such as Pegasus, in a meeting of journalists, in the cadre d’enquêtes sur des factes de terrorism or trait of humanity. “There is a problem of political consistency in launching these Estates General in any possible way,” says Sylvie Robert, “the fact is that these Estates General provide an opportunity to clarify the doctrine of the French state on the question of the balance between secret sources and secret protection.” “The first version of the text opens in a Pandora box,” warns Nathalie Sonnac, “but amendments that will not be able to hack the surveillance of journalists who were not voted in by European parliamentarians.”

“The law on freedom of the media in Europe is a set of choices that can be given to public information authorities,” explains Arnaud Mercier, “more on the secrecy of sources, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Rights Man is France’s greatest protector. “Il ne faut pas opponent of the sterile manipulations of the deuce.”

Senate investigative commission will work on media concentration

The crisis in the media sector has been troubling for many years. On the Senate side, this issue was already preoccupied at the beginning of 2022 by their commission of inquiry into media concentration in France, at the request of the socialist group. The upcoming auditions were a great success, with the singers fronting being among the patrons of major media groups such as Vincent Bolloré. Returning in March 2022, the existing relationship is the fruit of previous discussions between the commissioners. In this context, a consensus text emerged, based on thirty-two proposals, without the appointment of an independent administrator authorized by Arc based on the recommendations of the administration of the groups given here by the media, in order to demonstrate the independence and l’impartiality of these people.

Two proposals of legislation from the National Assembly and Senate

In the Senate and National Assembly, parliamentarians should not wait until these common steps are taken to propose legislative changes in favor of greater independence for journalists. After the development of the JDD in the early days, Sophie Taye-Polan of a generation of MPs presented her own proposal, supported by all groups of the lower house, according to the republics and the national assembly, which was seen as conditions for helping the press. as well as the opening of radio and television waves to approve the candidacy of the editorial director for the vote of journalists. A text similar to that sent to the Senate in the same period by the socialists David Assouline, rapporteur of the commission on media concentration, who is no longer a senator after October 2023.

“Il faut bien poser la proposition de loi, but most of all it does not help to ensure freedom of enterprise,” tempera Nathalie Sonnac, “Les medias sont des entreprises économiques, l’information coûte cher à produire.” For entrepreneurs who invest, they don’t care about the decor.” As a result, “anti-proprietary laws or laws against Bolloré will be as ineffective as laws against Ersant, pluto” “ensures that journalists are protected and can exercise their abilities with full independence,” in strengthening, for example, the 2016 law. presse ou audiovisuelles de se equir de une deontologique.

For Arnaud Mercier, his proposal “may be a good idea, but it doesn’t matter that it’s a slur against an existing title. Cela nous dit absolument rien dans les cas d’un media que’on crée ex nihilo. My friend from Lois reacts to an approaching phenomenon. The life that will last forever will become a great prince and regulate the global system.” “There is still a very good choice, which creates the conditions for the editorial team to have the rights to manage the editorial office,” Judge-t-il.

Journalists’ syndicates condemn device’s ‘opaqueness’

The premiere of ombre au tableau de ces tous jeunes états généraux will take place on October 3. The four syndicated organizations representing journalists (SNJ – SNJ-CGT – CFDT-Journalistes – SGJ-FO) are accused of the overall “opacity” of the device. I regret that I was not informed about the “official nature of the goals and the abandonment of this initiative.”

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