General Medicine: Differentiating Symptoms: Common Influenza, Influenza A, Common Cold and COVID-19

In Lucena, as elsewhere in Spain, we are completely Respiratory virus epidemic, mixes common cold, flu and COVID-19; it is important to emphasize the importance of distinguishing symptoms, and at Eliossana Salud Clinic we want to help you do this, because they may present similar symptoms, but they are different pathologies, And there can be very different complications. So, above all, we recommend prevention, testing when symptoms appear and isolation if positive, to avoid contagion.

The common flu can cause sudden symptoms such as fever, chills, muscle aches, fatigue and nasal congestion. It’s usually not associated with serious breathing problems and lasts from a few days to a week.

Influenza A (H1N1) has the same symptoms as the regular flu, but may include more severe breathing problems and is associated with increased joint pain. High fever, cough, sore throat, and fatigue are common. If you suspect influenza A, you must seek medical advice.

Colds are less serious than the flu, and although they may have symptoms such as nasal congestion and coughing, they rarely cause fever, and when they do, it usually doesn’t exceed a few tenths. The duration of most illnesses is usually short, but mild symptoms may last longer. Rest and hydration are keys to recovery.

Symptoms of Covid-19 are similar to those of respiratory illnesses, but are notable for loss of taste or smell and difficulty breathing. Fever, persistent cough, and fatigue are warning signs. If in doubt, it is recommended to get tested and seek medical advice.

Prevention Tips:

  • Use of masks: While the wearing of masks in health centers has recently been declared mandatory, it is also recommended to wear masks in closed, public and crowded places to reduce the spread of respiratory particles.
  • Wash your hands: Hygiene is key. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Social Distancing: Keep a safe distance from people with symptoms and avoid crowds.
  • Vaccinations: Consider getting an annual flu shot to protect yourself and others.
  • Ventilation: Make sure the space is well ventilated to reduce the concentration of viruses in the air.
  • Hydrate and rest: Keep your immune system strong with a balanced diet, adequate fluids, and adequate rest.

Eliosana Health Lucena is committed to the health of the community. Remember, prevention and information are key tools in the fight against respiratory illness. Let’s take care of ourselves and others!

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