Geovanna Bañuelos proposes empowering health authorities to promote breast milk donation – ENWN

Geovanna Bañuelos proposes empowering health authorities to promote breast milk donation – ENWN

MEXICO CITY – Senator Geovanna Bañuelos, amended Article 64 of the General Health Code to promote and encourage the donation of breast milk to guarantee Babies who are breastfed from their mothers are given this food.

In confirming the proposal, the Labor Party Parliamentary Group (GPPT) coordinator stressed that breast milk is vital for newborns and babies and that its consumption is unique until at least the sixth month of life.

In that sense, he thinks there are circumstances that prevent some mothers from feeding their babies, such as premature babies or mothers in intensive care units in hospitals.

Therefore, Geovanna Bañuelos asserts, it is transcendent to promote the donation of breast milk so that there will be a greater pool of breast milk; thus guaranteeing the newborns access to high-quality milk.

The PT leader emphasized that breastfeeding in the first few months of life prevents diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, rhinitis, otitis media and pneumonia, as well as the deaths of around 1.5 million infants worldwide.

“For this reason, we propose reforming Article 64 of the General Health Act to empower maternal and child health services to conduct training, dissemination, education, promotion and support for people donating breast milk,” he explained.

Geovanna Bañuelos points out that for GPPTs, healthcare in the first months of life is a priority, which is why they emphasize the benefits and advantages of breast milk for babies and the need to continue promoting the culture of donating breast milk. milk.

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