‘Get Vaccinated’: Doctors’ Advice for COVID-19 and Flu | General

Doctors strongly recommend getting vaccinated because no one should take the coronavirus or the flu lightly.

The COVID-19 vaccine can be combined with the influenza vaccine: in Germany, the Standing Committee on Immunization (STIKO) and in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) agree on this. But it is considered best not to give both injections in the same arm as swelling and redness may occur at the injection site. That is: it’s best to put one on your right arm and the other on your left arm. READ: WHO: Influenza levels are the same as before the pandemic

combined vaccine

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that several countries receive both COVID-19 and influenza vaccines. The ideal situation is to apply both in one injection. Big Pharma is rising to the challenge.

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted fast track status to an mRNA-based combination vaccine. This means that development and market launch are considered particularly important and can therefore be accelerated.

Additionally, research conducted by rival company Moderna also yielded promising results. The company aims to obtain marketing authorization for its combination vaccine in 2025.

One vaccine against three diseases

Further research is underway on the development of a triple combination: vaccines against COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which affects the respiratory tract and causes symptoms similar to the common cold. In infants and young children, respiratory syncytial virus often causes acute bronchitis. READ: Beyfortus, approved to prevent syncytial virus in infants and children

Currently, the RSV vaccine is only available as a stand-alone vaccine. U.S. authorities have no reservations about using three separate vaccines simultaneously. According to the CDC, there is no need to adhere to a minimum waiting period in between.

Experts say it’s worrying that so few people have been vaccinated. One reason may be that many people are simply tired of getting vaccinated, the coronavirus has faded from many people’s consciousness and the risks seem remote. Read: What’s happening in China?WHO worries about rise in respiratory illnesses

However, medical offices are seeing an increasing number of patients with coughs and runny noses. This is not always caused by coronavirus but can also be caused by a simple cold or flu. However, people infected with the coronavirus usually experience symptoms for one to two weeks, although in a few cases, the illness can be so severe that those affected must be hospitalized.

Urgent recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination and influenza vaccination apply first to high-risk groups. These include, for example, people over the age of 60 and people with pre-existing conditions such as coronary heart disease or high blood pressure.

People with chronic bronchitis, chronic liver disease and diabetes are also at risk. Children and teenagers with underlying medical conditions are also still considered to be at particularly high risk.

Doctors warn urgently not to underestimate coronavirus and flu. As well as vaccines, forgotten measures can help, which is why masks are once again mandatory in many clinics and doctors’ offices in Germany, with more and more people wearing them in public to protect themselves and others from the coronavirus Infect.

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