Gigi Hadid condemns ‘terrorizing innocent people’ – The Hollywood Reporter

Half-Palestinian supermodel Gigi Hadid has publicly commented on the current wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence after the terrorist organization Hamas began attacks in southern Israel.

“Terrorizing innocent people is neither consistent nor beneficial to the Free Palestine movement,” Hadid said in a lengthy post on her Instagram account on Tuesday. Hadid, whose father, Mohamed Hadid, is a Palestinian immigrant and practicing Muslim, said she feels “deep empathy and grief for the Palestinian struggle and life under occupation.”

But she added: “I also feel a responsibility to my Jewish friends to make this clear, as I have said before: while I have hopes and dreams for the Palestinians, none of them include harm done to the Jew.” . Hadid’s comments follow a deadly attack in Israel over the weekend carried out by Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

The attack followed Israel’s declaration of formal war against Hamas, and escalating retaliation led to a rising death toll that has topped 1,800 on both sides since Saturday, according to the Associated Press.

Hadid and her younger sister Bella Hadid have long supported Palestinians. causes.

The full text of her Instagram post is below:

My thoughts are with everyone affected by this unjustified tragedy, and every day this conflict claims innocent lives, too many of them children. I have deep sympathy and sorrow for the Palestinian struggle and life under occupation, a responsibility I carry daily.

I also feel a responsibility to my Jewish friends to make this clear, as I have done before: while I have hopes and dreams for the Palestinians, none of them include harm done to the Jew. Terrorizing innocent people is neither consistent with nor beneficial to the Free Palestine movement.

The idea that this is happening fuels a painful, decades-long cycle of back-and-forth retribution (which no innocent civilian, Palestinian or Israeli, deserves to fall victim to) and helps perpetuate the false idea that being pro-Palestinian = anti-Semitic. If you are hurt as I share my condolences with my loved ones today, both Palestinian and Jewish, I send you my love and strength—whoever and wherever you are.

There are many complex, personal and important feelings, but every person deserves basic rights, treatment and safety; regardless of their nationality, religion, ethnicity or place of birth. I know that my words will never be enough and will never heal the deep wounds of many people, but I always pray for the safety of innocent lives.

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