Giuseppe Giofrè, I dream of free love

Giuseppe Giofrè has always danced following the flow of his life. Locked in his living room, in Gioia Tauro, still very young, he wrote a dream, which over the years led him to conquer Friend, But above all to go abroad to work with the biggest international stars. Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, her favorite pop icons. Sunny with a great desire to always smile. Just like they did on Rome Pride’s float during the performance and performance cosmopolitan, Surrounded by love, but above all music. «This is my first pride in Italy», he tells us.

Joseph Geoffre

Giuseppe Giofrè is the face of Cosmopolitan Extra. Photo by Mirko Ostuni

Mirko Ostuni

In the streets of Rome we have celebrated love in all its forms, what does this moment represent for you?

“I think we should live in a free world, but sadly they don’t allow it. So if we have to perform for the right ideals we believe in, let’s do it. Love Must be universal. I have not participated in other Prides in Italy, the last ones I did in America, Los Angeles and New York».

Last week, a video of a homophobic attack in Pavia went viral on social media, where none of the bystanders defended the couple. did you see it?

“Yes of course. To call someone gay or lesbian as an insult is really absurd. No one said anything at the time. No one ever said anything.”

Have you ever seen situations like this?

“I found it myself. I grew up around bullies. They call me “bahini”. They call me gay. But I’ve always meant my business. The problem is when you call a guy who does not feel comfortable with the body “sissy”, it adds tension, stress. We all know how some stories end. There are fragile people who are unable to support others’ decisions ».

Did you tell anyone about that uneasiness at that time?

“Never. Never. My parents just found out. At that time, I found those comments useless. I moved on. I am happy with the life I have lived and am living. Bullies didn’t make me change my ways. Granted, that was the way, I led them forward ».

And how do you deal with the issue of homophobia in America, where you live?

“Nobody in America stops to look at a gay couple. What happened in Pavia, if it had happened in America, surely someone would have defended those assaulting boys. I have never seen a homophobic episode. Racism certainly strong Is.”

What does love represent to you?

“Love signifies many things. First of all it is necessary that we put ourselves first, love ourselves. Loving ourselves allows us to love others. I am an honest, sympathetic, nice person. I see love even in gestures towards strangers, such as helping a woman who is carrying too many shopping bags cross the street. Something similar happened to me the other day.

What is the meaning?

«I was in Milan, a woman on a bike got scared of the tram that was coming behind her and fell. I stayed with her until the ambulance arrived, she could have been my grandmother. Every day I hear from the hotel manager to find out if there is any news about the lady. This is love. Then I also find it in the smiles of the people I meet.”

How would you like to experience love?

« I would like to have a person by my side to build a life with this person. Not so today because I am a little unlucky in love ».

Is it also the fault of the job that gives you so much?

«Of course the lack of stability makes everything more difficult. I live in Los Angeles, but I’m in Italy now. Then there is tourism. it’s very difficult. I’ll always be looking for it, but I’m just waiting for the right time.”

You also breathe a lot of love at home, you are lucky enough to still have two grandparents.

«It’s true, I’m lucky to still have two grandparents on my mother’s side. He raised me. We live in the same building, in this connected house without doors. I’m very attached to it.”

What is the best memory you have?

«I remember Grandma Rita in the countryside, in the garden when she was picking tomatoes and zucchini. On the other hand, Grandpa Peppe, I remember when the tide was high they used to collect wood that they took from the sea. He came home with a lot of wood for the winter. They call him Grandpa Peppe Stila, because he has blue eyes, that’s what they call him in Gioia Tauro. It is good to see the love between them. My grandmother cooks, she still goes to the countryside. Good things last.”

Then your dream began in Gioia Tauro …

«Yes, I used to sit with my PC in the living room at home, close the door and watch video clips of American pop stars and copy choreography. It was my moment, nobody saw me.”

then at the age of eighteen you moved to America, then you got involved in advertising Friend, you won it, and your career has started. You have worked with many stars abroad, with whom did you work first?

«Jennifer Lopez, 2014 for a living in Las Vegas. Then I found him again in 2018. She is a personality who loves to have fun, dance. At the parties he organizes, he always invites dancers, for example. I remember we spent two months preparing for the tour, it was organized for his 50th birthday. We celebrated her birthday at Gloria Estefan’s house in Miami. It was a beautiful party. On the other hand, at work, he is very tough, strict, outside he is much softer, more accessible. He introduced me to Ben Affleck as his best dancer. this was good”.

And on the other hand, with Taylor Swift, have you developed a deeper relationship?

«I started working with him in 2015, now he’s on tour and I don’t hear from him a lot. But yes, it is true, a beautiful relationship was formed, I was always close to him and that made him very protective. The dancer’s figure does a lot, she must be careful that the artist is safe on stage, I tried to make her feel better with him».

What feelings do you get from performing live?

“Performing in front of 80,000, 100,000 people is incredible. It is the realization of all my dreams and the result of many sacrifices. It is my favorite thing. During live shows you feel all the warmth of the audience».

On TV, this year, you’ve put yourself on the line by taking on a new role as a judge. FriendHow did you find yourself?

“I had a lot of fun. It was a real gamble for Maria (De Filippi, ed.) to get a role so different from mine. I watched her during the episodes and by her look I knew I was doing a good job. I am. The first installment was difficult, I was very scared. Then, episode after episode, I found the right key. Cristiano Malgioglio also helped me a lot, he allowed me to be myself. As a dancer I was able to be with my body. I express my views and I have grown a lot by speaking in such a program.

You are a dancer, you have been a judge and you have also proved yourself as an actor as it is coming on 6th July hottest summer In which you play a small role. do you still have a dream?

«I always say that when I grow up I want to be tourism, artistic director of TV shows. Who knows… maybe one day I’ll be able to work as an artistic director FriendI will close a circle a little in the program that gave me so much».

Your family has definitely been able to follow you better in your work this year as a judge, what did they tell you?

«It is true, when I worked as a professional for the program, for example, my grandfather had difficulty finding me among all the corps de ballet. This year, entering the studio, they thoroughly enjoyed the entire show. They saw me as a hero, I had an important role, they were all very proud».

Would you like to fill this role again next year?

“Certainly, I hope so. I’ve been on those people’s side, I know what it’s like to be on the other side. To me it’s home and it’s always good to be home.”

The people of Italy have also learned to recognize you, do you like being stopped on the street?

“Yes, I am grateful. Seeing the wonder in people’s eyes is priceless. A few days ago a gentleman at the gym asked me for a photo for his daughter, the next day he thanked me and said I made him the happiest father in the world. I was moved, I cried, these are beautiful things. I thought about my father and how proud he was of me.

What would you say today to the child of Gioia Touro who was being bullied?

“I would ask him to do everything I’ve done again. Everything, without changing anything because everything I’ve experienced has led me to where I am now. Nothing’s wrong, All right. I would probably tell her to be less afraid, open up to life and others. Maybe I would advise her to talk more, especially about problems. I understood, when I grew up, the importance of talking , it helps a lot ».

(translated to tag) giuseppe gioffre

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