Glee, Ryan Murphy returns to talk about the reboot of the TV series

Glee, Ryan Murphy returns to talk about the reboot

A reboot of glee could it really be on the horizon? Ryan Murphy admits he’s finally ready to think about the possible return of the TV series. Podcast guest again And That’s What You REALLY Missed conducted by Kevin McHale and Jenna Ushkowitz – respectively Artie Abrams and Tina Cohen-Chang in the musical TV series – Ryan Murphy is back to talk about what could be boiling in the pot for the cult of the Tens.

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Murphy – who had already taken part in the podcast of his two protégés last November – returned to the microphones in conjunction with the episode dedicated to “The Power of Madonna” the tribute that Glee made to the discography of Miss Ciccone during the first season. On how Glee needs to be drastically changed to keep up with contemporary sensibilities, Ryan Murphy was torn: “On the one hand I think that (if glee come back) we could not say or do worse than what we have already done”, said the director and creator of the series.

Murphy added that: “the thing i like about glee today is that – thanks to streaming – there are increasingly younger people, my children’s age, who enjoy the series without dwelling on the (controversies) of the time”. This is why, from time to time, Ryan Murphy pauses to think about what it would be like to report glee on the screens: “Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn’t be great to do another Glee series and do a bunch of other songs and pay homage to something. I think that would be really fun”.

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In essence, Ryan Murphy argues that there is nothing he would change about Glee today. However, the author would start from the origins of the series, in an attempt to recapture that magic of the first episodes that led hundreds of millions of viewers around the world to let themselves be infected by Glee mania: “That would be hard, but if I did (a reboot), I’d like to bring it back to the year one feel. I don’t think we’d jump right into extravagant freebiesMurphy admitted, citing Beyonce and Taylor Swift as artists he would devote an entire episode to.

Where would Ryan Murphy start from to tell the story of Glee? The creator already has very clear ideas: “I’d pretend the last episode – whatever happened to everyone – never happened, like it was some kind of fever dream” said – half-jokingly – Murphy.

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