Gluten-Free Superfoods | Gluten-free Asian superfoods that regulate intestinal transit, have a relaxing effect and protect the heart

Gluten-free Asian superfood that regulates intestinal transit, has relaxing effects and protects the heartstandard deviation

he Ge is another super food little known But it has many health benefits.This is a food that has been used for centuries Asian cuisine And in Traditional Chinese Medicine for its properties and health benefits. Kudzu comes from the roots of the climbing legume Kudzu, which when ground, washed and dehydrated produces a very pure starch powder that can be used as a thickening agent in cooking.


Among other things, Promote digestion Due to its high flavonoid content, kudzu helps relieve abdominal pain and relieves symptoms of indigestion, gas, abdominal inflammation, and gastritis.Kudzu is also very effective Regulate intestinal transport, Especially in case of diarrhea. Additionally, regular consumption of it helps improve our gut microbiome, favoring the development of beneficial bacteria in our body. Additionally, it fights stress: Has a relaxing effect This helps relieve stress and is great for headaches, migraines, and tension.

it is also a menopause ally. It is widely used as an ingredient in supplements for menopausal and postmenopausal women because it contains phytoestrogens, a hormone that acts similarly to estrogen in the human body, scientists make the breakthrough discovery in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics of plant compounds. ‘. On its own, the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand explains, it can help treat some of the most common menopausal discomforts, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, or night sweats.

Apart from, May promote cardiovascular healthbecause kudzu has heart-protective properties and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat such conditions for centuries.

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