Goodbye Groin Waxing, The New Trend Viral On Social Media Expert: “Let’s Normalize Pubic Hair”

waxing Or not, that is the question. Hamlet’s DoubtHeat 2023, for some women, isn’t there: «I Hair They are okay and they can be normalised. It is a new trend that Social The population is decreasing among many girls and this includes showing their hairgroin as a sign of counter Against those who argue that shaving would be better for a woman.

OnlyFans, the model hasn’t shaved in years: “I earn 10,000 euros a month with hair and my boyfriend loves it”

Madonna’s daughter Lourdes Leon was insulted for her armpit hair. the answer is exemplary

Waist Hair: The New Trend

Many TikTok and Instagram users have shared videos of themselves in underwear, with their body hair in closeup. In a video, an influencer shared her “before and after” shots with and without her hair: “Don’t let anyone shame you into doing something with your hair that you’re not comfortable doing” , They said.

“Normalize Hair”

Psychologist Carly Dawbers pointed out that viewing a woman’s pubic hair has become so taboo that it can be seen as a “radicalizing act” if not stopped. Speaking to about the trend, she said: “The cultural message is that ‘women shouldn’t have pubic hair.’ But hair is a normal and healthy part of the human body.

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