Goodbye Michael Caine, we’ll never see him on the big screen again: the end of an era

It’s time to say goodbye to Michael Caine; the actor will never return to the big screen: he says so himself.

Michael Caine, goodbye cinema – Adriatico24ore

Farewell to cinema

About a month ago, Michael Caine told the BBC that he had “more or less retired.”, and that this would be the right time. Therefore, it seems reality that The 90-year-old actor will never return to the big screenafter 66 years of acting and an impressive number of highly successful films.

During the interview, Kane, whose real name is Michael Micklewhite, made it clear that he had made up his mind: “I made a film as the main character (Ed. “The Great Fugitive”). and I received incredible feedback. What could I do better? (…) The only possible roles are those of a ninety-year-old. Maximum 85 years. I won’t be the main character anymore. So I told myself: it’s better to leave now. I am 90 years old. My concern is that I will arrive alive at lunch time.

Will this really be the right time?

Michael Caine – Adriatico24ore

Although this time Kane was resolutely firm in his statements, the actor has already announced in the past that he wants to retire. This particular statement frankly resembles Another interview that took place before filming The Great Escape, in which Michael Caine said he wanted to retire from the stage. In fact, even if he now says he wants to go private, a few weeks ago he told the Guardian that he was considering playing the role of Charles Darwin in the film, which would go into production in 2024..

Last film

The Great Fugitive – Adriatico24ore

Apparently, this is the last film of the British actor and film producer. Kane plays Bernard Jordan, a Royal Navy veteran who becomes the protagonist of an unusual story in 2014.. The Great Fugitive tells the story of Bernard Jordan, who… escaped from a nursing home in Sussex to attend commemorations to mark the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

Kane’s colleagues on The Great Fugitive include: Glenda Jackson, the great actress and Labor MP, died last June.and JHe’s Standing, who plays an RAF pilot in the film. (fictional character) with whom Bernard became friends during the transition from England to France.

Moviereleased in Italy on October 6, it was received very positively by both critics and audiences.and this is just one of Kane’s countless successes on the big screen. Among his most successful films we remember Interstellar (2014), TV series Batman (from 2005 to 2012), Unexpected suspicions (2017), Start: Kobol’s Case (2010) and crime comedy with Sandra Bullock Miss Detective (2000).

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