Google claims Chrome saved humanity for 10,000 years

The Core Web Vitals program already makes most websites load quickly, which obviously makes it easier for users to access information quickly and directly, something Google wants to show off.

However, in the latest entry on the Chromium blog, the folks from Mountain View remember that they proposed in 2020 Core network vitalitya series of essential quality signals for web pages to ensure a better user experience.

In fact, they commented that since the initial announcement, today Over 40% of sites exceed all core Web Vitals metricsresulting in fast-loading and responsive pages.

According to their data, the average page load speed in Chrome is now 166 milliseconds faster.

On the other hand, they added that until 2023, this initiative Saved users over 10,000 years of waiting time and more than 1,200 years of waiting for the website to respond to user input.

Basically, the Chromium article focuses on the different responses of a web page based on parameters considered in Core Web Vitals.

Core Web Vitals achievements in Chrome

In fact, they mentioned some Core Web Vitals achievements Chrome alloyas Caching backward or forwardwhich will improve the browsing experience as it allows instant forward or backward navigation.

Chrome alloy

they also talked about prerender This allows websites to load immediately by rendering them before the user accesses them.

Another problem is background labelmany will remain inactive if the user has not accessed them for a certain period of time, but they can be opened at any time and loaded almost instantly.

Google plans to improve the parameters of Core Web Vitals in the next few years to make it easier for users to browse the web, especially in the Chrome browser.

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