Government expands HIV opt-out testing to dozens more sites

Opt-out blood tests for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are to be rolled out in more locations across the UK, with the potential to save thousands of lives and meet the target of ending new transmissions by 2030.

Under the opt-out scheme, anyone who has a blood test at selected A&Es will also be tested for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C unless they opt out.

Ahead of World AIDS Day on December 1, the government announced on Thursday (November 29) that a new £20 million project will expand the already hugely successful HIV opt-out testing scheme.

It comes after music legend Sir Elon John told MPs the UK could be “the first country in the world to defeat this terrible virus” and implored them to “not waste our time as political leaders”.

In the first 18 months of the opt-out testing program, 33 emergency departments conducted millions of tests and identified more than 4,000 people who unknowingly had blood-borne infections, including hundreds with HIV Infected person.

The program will now be expanded to 46 emergency departments in 32 areas with high HIV prevalence in England.

Speaking to PinkNews, deputy chief medical officer Dr Thomas Waite described the success of the scheme as one of “extraordinary uptake”.

He explained that the program aims to reach people who are not regularly exposed to HIV or wider STI services, as well as often overlooked groups such as women and older people.

“I think we do need to learn something from this initial pilot,” Waite said, “because while overall adoption is good, it actually varies from about 25% to about 75% across regions.”

“We need to look at how well this supports different people from different ethnic backgrounds and make sure we’re helping those who really need help,” he explained.

He summed up the importance of getting tested regularly – the government recommends gay and bisexual men get tested once a year, or every three months if having unprotected sex with a new partner – saying: “Get tested is the best way to take control of your health, because knowing your health status enables you to access highly effective treatments for HIV and a range of other sexually transmitted infections.”

Dr Thomas Waite, Deputy Chief Medical Officer (DCMO)

He continued: “We have had good results from the A&E opt-out test and pilot and we will now optimize delivery in the next phase, but this is just one form of testing.

“There are many ways to self-test so that we can try to minimize the burden of disease.

“Ultimately, the reason to get tested and get treated is because the treatments are very effective.

“You can lower your HIV viral load to undetectable levels, which means HIV is untransmittable and what that means for your quality of life.”

Commenting on the news, Richard Angell, chief executive of the Terence Higgins Trust, said it was the “testing turbocharge” needed to end new HIV cases by 2030.

“It is significant that an additional two million HIV tests will be carried out in A&E over the next year as a result of the temporary but massive expansion of opt-out HIV testing to a further 46 hospitals.

“With this landmark investment, opt-out HIV testing in A&E will account for more than half of all tests in England. “A significant increase in testing is absolutely critical to identifying the 4,400 people with undiagnosed HIV. “

Angell added: “The evidence is very clear: HIV testing works for everyone who comes to the emergency room for a blood test.

“It helps diagnose people who cannot be reached through any other testing route and who have often been missed before.

“It also saves the NHS millions of dollars, reduces pressure on health services and helps tackle inequalities in emergency department diagnoses, where people are more likely to be black, women and older.”

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