Green light for project to open road in Sampil de Celanova

Serranova kicked off its political lessons at an early morning meeting yesterday with a second vote in which surprise Mayor Teresa Barge cast the decisive vote in the absence of the point chief One vote, making the plenary win company In this way, Mayor Antonio Puga can maintain the activities of lawyers in a residual or marginal way with a pure devotion.

Legal compatibility, as stated in a technical report presented at the plenary session and reiterated by a Celanova spokesperson, decided Sandra Feijoo, but an opposition speaker was critical of it. Leopoldo Rodriguez (BNG) He described the vote as “bold” Yesterday, when decisions had to be made “about life dunha persona e do su su traballo”, he said, emphasizing that politics is a “voluntary” thing in which one “is in favor or good, in favor or bad”.The popular Pablo Perez declared that if he wanted the mayoralty to be compatible with his office, “he could continue to give a partial devotion to the ringworm now,” and that he was focused on not charging the schedule, nor charging The activity pays “edge”, even Not suitable for municipal affairs. “Are we going to be cops?” he asked. The PP spokesperson mentioned again that the current government will mean high costs “or historically more expensive” and will affect the city council’s ability to invest, five of the six mayors will contribute 231,000 euros a year to the municipal treasury. Likewise, he described the amount the MPs received each month (€4,200 per month) as “obscene and disgraceful”. The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party has chosen to trust and support its government partners, despite two of its MPs pointing out that “we will be Viciantes”.

Amendments to the agreement between the Miño-Sil Hydrographic Federation and the Celanova Commission for the construction of a channel in Corga de Sampil have been unanimously approved.this Approval authorizes mayor to sign agreement with watershed organizationsthey will contribute 648,000 of the 827,920 euros in the 2023, 2014 and 2025 annuities (the remaining 179,920 euros will come from their own funds) to build a road from the Celanovés neighborhood of A Ermida to the parish of Murillos.


The council alone approved the request for a 10.5 per cent increase in water rates. Viaqua Concessionary appealed for replacement after it stopped applying the CPI set out in the contract at the October 2022 general meeting.The Mayor recalled that the agreement must be honored, and The contract was drafted and awarded during the term of the BJP“We have to make it happen,” he said, adding that he intends to work out new concessions before the current ones end. PP criticized the local government for not being able to negotiate with the concessionaire, which would make receipts 12.8% more expensive (combined for 2022 and 2023 renewals), BNG demanded termination of a “leonine” contract in which Rodriguez said the concessionaire “total is a winner, it looks like a bank”.

Local holidays for 2024 were approved during the meeting, for March 1 (San Rosendo) and San Roque (August 16); and corresponding credit amendments.the first is 180,000 euros, referring to an update to the subsidy program that eliminated two earmarks for drought-related works approved last year. The second amount, EUR 160,000, is paid out of the surplus treasury and covers general costs for lighting, energy consumption, fuel, cleaning, and tourism and cultural promotion.

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