Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Zoe Zaldana on the bittersweet ending to Peter and Gamora’s relationship | Movie

peter quill and gamora end Guardians of the Galaxy 3 James Gunn is definitely not what many expected, a topic that Zoe Saldana, who plays Gamora, discussed in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

There is something bittersweet about how Gamora ends her adventure. I wanted Gamora in the last chapter to be able to find a way to become one of the Guardians again. But this (returning to what is now his family, the Ravagers) ultimately seems like the only right way to close his path because of everything he’s been through.— explained the actress.

After all, in every option or multiverse, she still had to deal with Thanos, with what he had done to her, with all the trauma and guilt that came with it. Finally, here she finds solace in the Ravagers, more open than ever.he added.

I think everything about Peter and the other version of herself bothered her a lot, because even if she didn’t remember who he was to her… she had the feeling that he was still someone special. I like this decision, it gives me hope that in the future, if the Guardians need the help of the Ravagers… maybe Gamora and Peter can find a way to re-twist their lives, if only as friends.“.

Guardians of the Galaxy, Part 3 arrived in theaters on May 3rd and will be released on Disney+ on August 2nd. Find all the news in our tab.

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