Guaymallén attends the Argentine Pediatric Congress

It brings together a large number of professionals and reference persons. Ends Friday 29th

Today at noon, the city participated in the opening ceremony of the 41st Argentine Congress of Pediatrics (CONARPE). The meeting was led by three authorities from the Argentine Pediatric Society: Jimena Dri, scientific secretary; Andrea Falaschi, president; and Rodolfo Pablo Moreno, honorary president. Also present was Marcelino Iglesias, mayor of Guaymalén. It is worth mentioning that the conference will continue on Thursday, September 28th and Friday, September 29th at the Condo de Los Andes Hotel and Casino.

The training course brought together many domestic and foreign experts to give lectures on different topics. These include: Vaccination, Allergy, Child Development, Neonatal and Pediatric CPR, Parenting in the First Five Years of Life, Impact of Technology, Bronchitis, Ophthalmology Prevention, Gastroenterology, Emergency Medicine, Rare Diseases, Hematology, Oncology Medicine, Transfusion Medicine, Mental Health, Rheumatology, Adolescent Conditions and Decisions, Injuries, Pediatric Education, Chronic Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Nutrition, Breastfeeding, Child Sexual Abuse, Late Prematurity, Dermatology, Cardiology, and Immunology .

As part of the initiative, a community-engaged ‘Build lasting healthy habits’ walk was held last Saturday ahead of the start of the initiative. Starting at the Universidad Juan Agustin Massa Gate Doza headquarters, participants warmed up with music therapy majors and members of Zumba classes. From there, they followed the interior path of East Passage Park to the department’s health station. At the site, they were welcomed by paid medical staff and saw attraction displays and promotional stalls.

The congress is hosted by the Mendoza Chapter of the Argentine Pediatric Society, the Juan Agustin Massa University and the Humberto Noti Hospital. In addition, it collaborates with the Advisory Committee of the Provincial Network on Obesity, Maternity and Childhood, the Regional Center for Blood Treatment, the Argentine Society of Cardiology, the Todo Corazón Foundation and the Municipality of Guaymallén, under Decree No. 3221-2023.

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