GUIDONIA – “Dear Don Lorenzo”, students celebrate the Master of School Inclusion

“If you lose the toughest kids, a school is no longer a school. It’s a hospital that treats the healthy and rejects the sick”,

Don Lorenzo Milani, born May 27, 1923 and died June 26, 1967

he spoke like this Don Lorenzo MilaniPriest, writer and teacher, always against the tide, as a proponent of a school as a means of giving cultural tools to everyone, especially the poor be more independent and more equal, an uneasy priest dedicated to making young people their future heroesguiding them towards the development of a critical thinking and teach them think with your head,

Giuseppina Guarnuto, Principal of the “Don Milanese” Comprehensive Institute in Guidonia

It was dedicated to him on the occasion of his birth centenary. “Don Lorenzo Milani, a Master of Our Time”The event was held on Monday 29 May Imperial Theater of Guidonia by namesake Comprehensive school of Guidonia Centro directed by Principal Giuseppina Guarnuto with the support of “Don Lorenzo Milani Foundation” and sponsor Guidonia Montecelio City,

It was a day that saw the pupils as heroes, the possible grandchildren of the children for whom the priest dedicated his life in the disadvantaged and isolated school in Barbiana, where he taught, and in the rectory of the church where he preached.

This is an event strongly desired by the entire teaching staff, organized by the so-called event group Composed by the teacher Comprehensive Institute “Don Milani” Olympia Ciancio for childhood segment, from maria angela mattei, pierpola giovannelli, Anna Giuseppina Sinkugrana And Rosaria Alexander to primary school, from Adolfo Capitelli And sara vatalaro for secondary.

The program opened with Bob Dylan’s song “Knocking on Heaven’s Door”.

The teacher presented the program Daniela Kolawas opened on the notes of “Knocking on Heaven’s Door”Bob Dylan’s song played by Professor on guitar Pilate’s and a middle school student.

The event was attended by Mayor Mauro Lombardo and Councilor Michele Poselli

After greeting School Director Giuseppina GuaranutoDid Mayor of Guidonia Montecellio Mauro Lombardo and ofMichelle Poselli, Councilor for Public EducationThe event organized in honor of Don Lorenzo Milani has come to life.

Middle School Students Heroes of the “Dear Don Milani…” Contest

Some of the works performed by secondary school students on the stage of the Imperial Theater Competition “Dear Don Milani…”: these are letters addressed to the priest, the picture of which was presented to the students in a proper way involving religion teachers of the comprehensive school of Guidonia.

Professor Lauro Ceriacopi, Vice President of the “Don Lorenzo Milani” Foundation

the professor talked during the day Lauro CeriacopyVice President of the “Don Lorenzo Milani” Foundation on this topic “The relevance of the thought of Don Lorenzo Milani”, Rosaria AlexanderGuidonia Institute teachers and digital animators on this topic “The Timeliness of Don Milani”Especially on inclusion with the introduction of new technologies.

Professor Rosaria Alessandro, Digital Animator of the “Don Milanese” Comprehensive Institute in Guidonia

Simone Saccucci, author of Guidonia, with teacher Daniela Kola, presenter of the program

Author simone scucci they argued “The Value of Writing and Storytelling in the School Dimension”,

Professor Mario Magazzeni, former principal of the “Don Lorenzo Milani” comprehensive school

on the subject “Why Don Milani?” the professor also intervened Mario MagazineFormer principal of the “Don Milani” school in Guidonia, the year it was named after the priest, writer and teacher.

5th A’s Music, Talent Show Winner “The Enhancement of Talent”

round of applause for fifth grade musical,The winning class for all fifth grade talents deserves “Honoring Talent”Held the week before the event at the Institute “Don Milani”.

Another moment of the centenary celebration of the birth of Don Lorenzo Milani

well received by the audienceperformance with body injury dua lipa title track “broke my heart” by the students of seventh grade section d,

The event at the Imperial Theater ended with an unscripted performance by Class VI students “Me”Piece dedicated to Don Lorenzo Milani by Aleandro Baldi, with Music arranged by Ermanno Federicofather of a student, and revised text by students,

On Tuesday 30 May the celebration of the centenary of the birth of Don Lorenzo Milani continued within the Comprehensive School of Guidonia. Street Market And this Library Exhibition of Pictures, Poems and Podcasts Created by students in honor of the guru of scholarly inclusion and enhancing talents.

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