HAEV; Parents of minors with cancer-free road in Veracruz; they demand director to be fired – Diario de Xalapa

Veracruz, State of Veracruz – After more than eight hours of protest and blockade of 20 November Avenue, a group of parents of minors diagnosed with cancer left this place in great helplessness local, accusing the authorities of failing to do so. Interested in the health of the people of Veracruz.

Cora de Jesus Rodríguez, a spokesperson for the organization, said that although they have been mobilizing to demand the dismissal of the director of the Veracruz Superior Specialty Hospital, citing incompetence, alleged negligence, drug shortages, etc. They didn’t do that. Appropriate changes were made.

“We were there since 10 o’clock in the morning, we started with the march where we showed all the needs, it was sad to see the situation we were going through, it took a few hours before we got up, we were tired, unfortunately The thing is they responded to us with a statement, but we will continue to fight, they said the walls will be knocked down and we will continue to fight so that there is change,” he said.

She commented that as the mother of two minors receiving care at the Pediatric Tower in Veracruz, she will continue to work to provide better conditions for all patients.

It is worth noting that this Friday’s mobilization began with protests in front of the main square of Veracruz.

Later, the group, together with the parents and friends of Carla Angelica Flores de la Cruz, marched along Independence Avenue, starting from Gutiérrez Zamora to Rayon, so Department of Transportation personnel had to reroute the vehicle to Francisco Madero.

The parents of the 14-year-old girl reported that their daughter was hospitalized at HAEV but did not receive proper care, which is why she died a week ago.

In a brief interview, the deceased’s mother, Patricia, accused them of a lack of empathy because despite requests for outside experts they were refused, arguing that doctors at the hospital had taken charge after they were allegedly Nothing was done during his treatment. My daughter suffered from severe pneumonia due to viral bacteria.

This isn’t the first time parents of minors diagnosed with cancer have blocked roadways. A week ago they took over Nov. 20 Avenue demanding the hiring of a pediatric pulmonologist, which so far has not been approved. indeed.

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