Hamas announces the bombing of Tel Aviv with a salvo of missiles… and the sirens sound

The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of the Hamas movement, wrote on their Telegram account that they had bombed Tel Aviv with a missile salvo “in response to the massacres against civilians”.

Sirens were heard sounding in Tel Aviv and large areas of central Israel, moments after the Qassam announcement.

Reuters reported, citing the Israeli military, that the sirens sounded to warn of the possibility of missiles landing in central Israel.

It is the first time that sirens have sounded in these areas since the resumption of hostilities between Israel and Hamas after a week-long truce.

At the moment there is no news of damage or victims.

There were reports of Iron Dome intercepting missiles over Tel Aviv launched from the Gaza Strip.

Israel and Hamas resumed fighting on Friday morning after a week-long truce.

The two sides exchanged accusations against those responsible for violating the truce, while Egyptian and Qatari mediators said they were trying to renew the truce.
This released detainees and prisoners on both sides and allowed hundreds of aid trucks to enter Gaza.

The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza said Israeli shelling killed more than 100 Palestinians in the first hours after fighting resumed.

Palestinian factions responded by firing series of rockets at Israeli areas adjacent to the Gaza border, before widening the range of the bombardment.
towards regions further away in time.

Additionally, the two sides resumed fighting inside the Gaza Strip.

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