Hantavirus kills two people in La Paz

September 8 (Urgent.Bo).- On Friday afternoon, Gabriela Mamani, director of the Epidemiology and Research Office of the La Paz Health Directorate (headquarters), reported three new cases of hantavirus in the north of the department, two of whom died and one die. recover.

“In epidemiological week 36, we had three reports of hantavirus cases (two of them fatal),” he said.

Mamani explained that the first case was a 46-year-old woman originally from the Agua Dulce community in Palos Blancos, north of La Paz, who was transferred to the Caranavi Health Center where she was diagnosed with the disease. There was “cardiopulmonary syndrome caused by hantavirus” and people expressed condolences for the deceased. The patient also suffered from septic shock, dengue positivity and respiratory failure,” Mamani added.

As for the second case, it is a male patient, 58 years old, who was diagnosed with “cardiopulmonary stage, respiratory failure, typical pneumonia and acute renal failure” at Karanawi Hospital. He died minutes after arriving at the hospital. “The head of the epidemiology department pointed out.

Likewise, authorities mentioned a third case, a minor under 16 years old, who “tested positive for hantavirus” and was treated and has since stabilized and recovered. In addition, “we have a suspected case in a minor under 16 years old who is currently hospitalized at Karanawi Hospital.”

In response to this situation, in addition to conducting “disinfection and rodent eradication” at the place of occurrence, a brigade was also dispatched to conduct an epidemiological investigation. Therefore, to combat this disease, it is important to keep your home clean, wash your kitchen utensils, and leave no food residue behind.


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