Happy Birthday Sly! Five streaming movies to celebrate the great Sylvester Stallone

The actor and director favorite for the roles of Rocky Balboa, John Rambo and many others turns 78 today. These are streaming movies to remind you of his illustrious career.

The living legend turns 78 today Sylvester Stallone, actor and director who has written some of the most important pages of American and international popular cinema since the mid-1970s. We at comingsoon.it want to pay proper tribute to Stallone through five streaming movies who has not only proved his mettle with the masses but has also showcased the versatility of an actor who often goes unrecognised. Enjoy reading.

Five iconic films directed and/or starring Sylvester Stallone

  • rocky
  • Rambo
  • cop Land
  • Mercenaries – Expendable
  • creed – born to fight

Rockies (1976)

The sports film that defined an era. The physical and moral saga of someone who spurns a chance and takes a risk to become a world boxing champion has inspired generations of viewers. Stallone writes and plays the iconic hero, John G. Avildsen Directing rocky With attention to detail and truthfulness of commendable conditions. The final boxing match with Apollo Creed is probably the most exciting match ever, and when the challenger stands up countless times and calls for the champion to come, it’s still a thrilling moment. Oscars for Film, Direction and Editing. Actor and screenplay nominations for Stallone. fable. Available at Kilo, Google Play, apple itunes, amazon prime video,

Rambo (1982)

directed the play Ted Kotcheff It doesn’t exactly meet the public’s fancy but lays a very solid foundation for a character who becomes an icon. Rambo In fact it is a vivid and depressing drama that reflects a rural and stoic America, where even veterans are overwhelmed by racism and parochialism. Stallone firmly adheres to his character, making him a rough hero. The remarkable film that would “explode” thanks to Reagan Rambo 2 – Revengegreat public success written among others James Cameron, Not available for streaming in Italy. Available on Apple iTunes, Amazon Prime Video.

Copeland (1997)

One of the most successful acting tests in Stallone’s career, Joe actually plays an ordinary policeman who fights against the corruption of his colleagues in a provincial town. director james mangold For the first big film, cop Land also sees in artists Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, ray liotta Serious efforts. Unfortunately, the box office did not respond as well as expected, and a potential Oscar nomination for Stallone was overshadowed. But the film remains remarkable, precise and tense. To be rediscovered without a doubt. CHILI is available on Google Play, Amazon Prime Video. paramount+,

Mercenaries – The Expendables (2010)

Remembering how much the action thriller heroes of previous decades loved it, Stallone returns in front of and behind the camera for an all-star sideshow that delivers fun and lots of banging and gunfire. Mercenaries – Expendable It should be taken exactly as it is, it is an entertainment that has been able to meet the masses to give them everything they ask for. And with that comes box success indeed, as well for the various sequels. If you like the genre and its exaggeration then you will enjoy it. And there are many… Stallone is a very astute filmmaker when it comes to satisfying his fans. even in artists Jason Statham, Available on Google Play, Apple iTunes, Amazon Prime Video Now,

Creed: Born to Fight (2015)

The first chapter of the new boxing trilogy sees the protagonist Michael B. Jordan Stallone is once again precise and passionate as Rocky Balboa. And indeed the Golden Globes and Oscar nominations for Best Supporting Actor have come, Ryan Coogler what does creed A precise and emotional drama that uses the main character’s desire for destruction as a psychological lever and pivot of action. In the second chapter you will understand even better. Remarkable film, a worthy successor to the main saga. CHILI is available on Google Play, Amazon Prime Video.

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