Harry Styles buys his portrait by Joe Lysette for 7 euros: I want to hang it at home

Harry Styles bought his portrait by Joe Lycett for £6. The comedian, broadcaster and artist has posted a parody version of David Hockney’s work on social media to be exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery. The artist immediately fell in love with her.

Six pounds sterling (about 7 euros). This is the price at which Harry Styles bought portrait of himself implemented Joe Lycett. The comedian, TV presenter and artist published a version on social networks. a parody of a work (always a portrait of the singer) created David Hockney for his collection at the National Portrait Gallery. The star immediately fell in love with him, so much so that by all means she wanted him in her house.

Buying Harry Styles

Harry Styles fell in love with a portrait of Joe Lycett, a caricature of a portrait made a few months earlier by artist David Hockney, which will be on display at the National Portrait Gallery in London from November. The singer then wrote to the comedian and TV presenter asking if he could get it. Lycett posted screenshots of their conversation and the “bargaining” phase. “I think it’s incredibly important that I bought this portrait from you. If you ever consider parting with this masterpiece, I would like to hang it in my house immediately.”Stiles wrote. Lysette replied:”I’ll give it to you for 8 pounds.”The singer signed a contract:“6 pounds”. Then everything became comical, so much so that the conductor added: Final offer £6.50. Or £6 and a large serving of KitKat peanut butter.” The job is done.

Still in disbelief, Lycett wrote “parody” post At that time, Stiles met with Hockney in Normandy to make an original portrait. Here are the humorist’s words:

Tom Hanks turned down a role in When Harry Met Sally because he was too happy with his divorce.

A few months ago I was contacted by Harry Styles’ manager and asked if I could consider doing his portrait. I didn’t know her fame at the time, so I said yes, but I wish I was the cause of all this mess. He came to my rest home in Padstow and stayed for two days, but in the end I only spent about 20 minutes on the portrait.

Several fans have commented on Lycett’s portrait, stating that he actually looks more likehomosexual Alan Carr than a former One Direction member.

The original portrait of David Hockney is on display at the National Portrait Gallery.

The original portrait was created by the great artist David Hockney and will be on display at the exhibition from next November. David Hockney: drawing from life, exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery.

The singer personally met the artist, who had no idea about his celebrity, but was only interested in capturing its essence. “Then I didn’t know about his fame, he was just another person who came to my studio.” Hockney spoke to Vogue about the former One Direction member.

Portrait of Harry Styles by David Hockney (photo by Jonathan Wilkinson, courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery)

Portrait of Harry Styles by David Hockney (photo by Jonathan Wilkinson, courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery)

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