Harvard University experts point out the time when you should stop eating every day to lose weight

Harvard University experts point out the time when you should stop eating every day to lose weight

When we talk about miracles, miracles don’t exist lose weight. Rapid weight loss often has a terrible rebound effect and puts our health at risk. Whenever we want to say goodbye to excess weight, we must take help from experts to help us achieve this goal correctly. healthy.

this Variety of diet and exercise practices They will be key to losing weight, but there are other issues that we don’t usually think about that can also have a big impact on our weight loss. It can be as simple as the time we stop eating. Eating dinner late may be one of the reasons.

Experts at Harvard University point out that food has different effects on our bodies depending on the time of consumption. In this sense, Smart meal planning This is crucial if you want to successfully manage your diet and lose weight.

later when eating Calorie intake is slower So losing weight becomes more complicated. Ideally, you should eat dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed so that our bodies can digest it properly and burn calories faster.

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