Harvard University experts warn that changes in tongue color or size may indicate health problems

If you have any problems with your tongue, be sure to see your GP.
If you have any problems with your tongue, be sure to see your GP.

Even though it’s there and we see it in the mirror when we open our mouth, yawn, brush our teeth, or eat, we tend not to pay much attention to it.

it’s about us language powerful muscles Help chewing and swallowing food. and Allowed to speak. But different problems that can occur with your tongue, including pain, swelling, or difficulty moving it, can affect your tongue’s health. Our well-being and oral health.

In addition, others language problem, as their Changes in color, size, or texturecan be strange and annoying when the cause is unknown. Most tongue problems are not serious. But sometimes, changes in the tongue indicate a more serious condition, which is why it’s important to consult a doctor if you notice a problem.

Fever can cause changes in the tongue (Getty Images)
Fever can cause changes in the tongue (Getty Images)

Generally speaking, language It should have a round and symmetrical shape. Its color is light pink, but there may be a small amount of purple or brown pigmentation in people from Africa, Asia, and the Mediterranean region. It also usually has a white coating.

“This coating comes from a tough protein called keratin and helps prevent your tongue from scratching when you eat,” the doctor explains. Tian Jiang, Restorative Specialist in the Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology at Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

As explained by professionals Harvard Medical School, Pay special attention to the following colors on your tongue:

Having good oral health also means having a healthy tongue (Getty Images)
Having good oral health also means having a healthy tongue (Getty Images)

“this diet may be partly to blame A change in the usual tone of the language. This is because the nipples can absorb colors and residues from the food and drinks consumed. An obvious example is that after children eat candy, lollipops or lollipops, they acquire the color of their tongues based on the color of the candy they ingested. among adults, Coffee or tea and other foods such as curry It contains yellow turmeric, which can also modify the original color of the tongue. However, discoloration is usually only temporary. Drinking plenty of fluids and practicing good oral hygiene can eliminate food and dye stuck to your tongue. “The doctor explained. Howard E.Lewin Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing.

Upon closer inspection, you can see that the tongue is covered with small bumps (nipples) that serve a variety of purposes, such as sensing temperature and touch; detecting whether food is sweet, salty, sour, bitter, or salty; and creating friction to help Forms food particles (boluses) that can be swallowed.

But experts say other tongue color changes may also indicate health problems. And to clarify:

When experiencing tongue burning, the first person to consult is a clinician (Christin Klose Gettyimages)
When experiencing tongue burning, the first person to consult is a clinician (Christin Klose Gettyimages)

– A brown or black tongue indicates the presence of a condition called “Hairy black tongue.” This happens when the nipple becomes too long. These little bumps usually don’t have much chance to grow because they fall off regularly with all the activity in the mouth.If they grow up, they can A mixture of trapped bacteria and food coloring, This produces a brown or black tint. Risk factors include taking antibiotics or antihistamines, smoking, dry mouth, drinking too much coffee or black tea, or poor oral hygiene.

thick white spots Or white sores on your tongue may mean an overgrowth of yeast in your mouth (thrush). Candidiasis can be caused by conditions such as diabetes or HIV, side effects of antibiotics or cancer treatments, using dentures, smoking, dry mouth, or using steroid inhalers. In rare cases, white spots or sores are symptoms of oral cancer.

-If your tongue hurts red or yellow soresyou may have oral thrush (irritation of the tissues), which sometimes manifests as red spots, or in rare cases, oral cancer.

Red tongue may be a symptom of scarlet fever (Getty Images)
Red tongue may be a symptom of scarlet fever (Getty Images)

– a language Red may indicate that you have Vitamin B 12 deficiency or an infection called scarlet fever, Streptococcus Throat (strep throat) accompanied by a red rash on the body. If you develop painless, bright red spots on your tongue that seem to migrate from one place to another, you may have a harmless and incurable condition called geographic tongue.

According to Harvard University professionals, these four colors may also indicate a lack of hydration, leading to dry tongue and muscle color changes. Therefore, they recommend drinking water at a temperature that is neither too cold nor too hot to prevent these symptoms. Using a dentist-recommended mouthwash (once or twice a day) after cleaning your teeth can also help.

By preventing it with good oral hygiene and good hydration, the chances of these color changes are reduced.

Many doctors and dentists also recommend tongue brushing (Getty Images)
Many doctors and dentists also recommend tongue brushing (Getty Images)

Good oral hygiene requires that you floss at least once a day. And brush your teeth at least twice a day. Take a few seconds to use the brush on your tongue. Stick out your tongue and use the toothbrush to sweep from the back of the tongue to the front: sweep in the middle, sweep on the left, and sweep on the right. “This helps eliminate bacteria and debris that accumulate in the nipples,” says Dr. Jiang.

Some people swear by using a tongue scraper to clean their tongue. But Jiang said that while he had no problem with using the tool, which is pushed on the tongue like a tongue brush, “the data on the effectiveness of tongue scrapers is conflicting and it all depends on what you’re willing to do.” “Do this every day to keep your tongue, teeth, mouth, and gums as healthy as possible. “

Boys often use candy to change the color of their tongues (Getty Images)
Boys often use candy to change the color of their tongues (Getty Images)

professional Cleveland Clinic, USA They claim that problems or changes in the tongue can be a sign of short- or long-term chronic disease. The severity ranges from simple first-degree burns caused by eating hot food to more serious conditions such as oral cancer.

they explained Macroglossia means having an atypically large tongue. The cause is usually an underlying condition that you are born with (congenital) or acquire over time. Conditions that cause tongue enlargement include:

-Acromegaly: A rare disease that causes the body to release too much growth hormone. Therefore, your tongue may be too large.

-Amyloidosis: A protein disorder that prevents tissues and organs from functioning as they should. It causes the tongue to become enlarged and appear wavy around the edges.

-Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: Growth disorders that affect the physical development of children. It can make the tongue appear too large in the mouth.

Tongue under a microscope (Getty Images)
Tongue under a microscope (Getty Images)

-Down syndrome: Down syndrome is a congenital disorder that affects physical and intellectual development. It can make the tongue appear larger than normal.

-Hunter syndrome (mucopolysaccharidoses) – A group of rare disorders that affect development. Tongue enlargement is a common symptom.

-Hypothyroidism: A common condition in which the body does not release enough thyroid hormone into the blood. This is a common cause of macroglossia in children.

– Tumor: Lymphangiomas and hemangiomas are benign (non-cancerous) growths that can cause growth on the tongue. Lymphoma is a type of cancer that can cause enlargement of the tongue.

– Glossitis It involves swelling of the tongue due to inflammation. Causes include: infection, oral injury, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, dry mouth, irritation from spicy foods or tobacco, and allergic reactions to foods or medications.

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