Has Gal Gadot teased her return to the new DC Universe?

Despite the cancellation of Wonder Woman 3, Gal Gadot may have been teasing her about returning as Diana Prince to the DCU.

Wonder Woman: Has Gal Gadot teased her return to the new DC Universe?

After the cancellation of Wonder Woman 3 and the lack of mention of Diana Prince in the first cycle of the new DC Universe curated by James Gunn and Peter Safran, many wondered what Gal Gadot’s fate would have been. So far, the actress has only returned to the stage with a mini cameo in Shazam! the fury of the gods and Flashbut maybe something big is brewing.

“A lot happens behind the scenes. When the time comes, you’ll know” he told Entertainment Tonight. James Gunn wanted to reassure fans of the (importance) Wonder Woman will have in his DCU. “Superman: Legacy was in the planning stages before DC Studios was formed; James Gunn’s Wonder Woman news”), but at this point we didn’t want to go too far with a possible casting.

‘Wonder Woman 3’: Did the rejection of Patty Jenkins prompt Warner Bros to cancel the film?

What’s next for Wonder Woman?

Meanwhile, fans have been clamoring for a Wonder Woman animated series (https://movieplayer.it/news/wonder-Woman-serie-animata-risposta-james-gunn_124176/ “Link Name”) and James Gunn declined to answer in a very positive way. “We are working more on the animation of Wonder Woman. I agree that very little work was done on the character in terms of animation, and that was one of the first things I noticed during the meetings.”.

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