Hayley Atwell spoke about her role in Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness.

Hayley Atwell British actress best known for her role Penny Carter in the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since 2011, where, after participating in other cinematic films, she is hired to Captain America also reprises the role in the film’s sequel and other MCU-related projects. In fact, Atwell also plays Penny Carter in other films such as some chapters Avengers and television series related to the Marvel world, including Agent Carterfocused specifically on his character, and then returned to wearing clothes – in an alternate version of the character – in the film Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness, released in theaters worldwide in May 2022. In the film, Atwell, despite playing the role of a character she has played for many years, did it in a completely different way. Penny Carter in the film dedicated to Doctor Strange, was actually part of a team called the Illuminati and had a different behavior than shown in previous MCU works. This version of Agent Carter has already been revealed to viewers in the animated series. What if…which features alternate Marvel stories than the ones we all know.

Hayley Atwil revealed something unexpected about her cameo in Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness

Peggy, in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, took the Steve Rogers serum, becoming Captain Carter. It is in this interpretation of hers that the actress is currently on a press tour. Mission: Impossible: The Wage of Death – Part One also performed on the microphones of the podcast Happy sad embarrassed his cameo in a Marvel movie, considering it disappointing due to how his character was ended. In fact, his cameo ends with Wanda, played by Elizabeth Olsen, brutally killing her.

The actress was disappointed that Peggy Carter, shown in this universe, after Wanda asks if she’s had enough, replies that she can stay there all day, only for Wanda to split her in half with her own shield. This ending, according to Atwell, was not her decision, and she does not consider it very correct or beneficial for her character. The actress said that it was for this cameo that she felt more fulfilled and had a lot more to do when she voiced Penny Carter from the animated series. What if… despite the fact that, as any actor would say in your opinion, dubbing a character in a booth, dressed as you like, even just in pajamas, turns out to be more fun, because you focus on the voice, on the intonation of intentions and on the intensity that you want to give character without worrying about how expressions and physique will be displayed, while in Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madnessthe interpretation was very unpleasant for her.
This confession of hers joins that of Elizabeth Olsen, who despite enjoying playing Wanda, the film’s true villain after the events of Wanda Visionwere dissatisfied with the set of the second film dedicated to Doctor Strange and decided to take a break from the world of Marvel.

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