Hollywood heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio, known for his role as Jack Dawson in the James Cameron film. Titanic, made scandalous headlines due to his unconventional personal life. However, despite the fact that he dated several young models, the actor for a long time failed to achieve the cult actress with his charm and appearance.
Despite trying to seduce the actress, Leonardo DiCaprio was unable to attract her attention during his early years in the film industry. Apparently, at that time the actress was not interested in the megastar. Well, the iconic woman who was immune to DiCaprio’s charm was none other than Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck’s ex-girlfriend.
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Ben Affleck’s ex-girlfriend turned down Leonardo DiCaprio
Rising to fame in the 90s, young Leonardo DiCaprio was Hollywood’s biggest heartthrob thanks to his incredible personality, charm and good looks. Further, after his appearance in the romantic epic TitanicTogether with Kate Winslet, the actor became a household name and began to enter into high-profile relationships.
However, despite dating several models throughout his decades-long career, Leonardo DiCaprio failed to seduce any iconic Hollywood actresses in his early years. Apparently, when the actor was around 19, he tried to pursue Gwyneth Paltrow as he developed an interest in her. But, unfortunately, the actress refused him.
Having had high-profile relationships with Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt during her early years in Hollywood, Gwyneth Paltrow wasn’t entirely impressed with DiCaprio. Appearance in the film by Alex Cooper Call her dad podcast, the actress told how Shutter Island the actor was trying to impress her, but she wasn’t really interested.
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Leonardo DiCaprio wasn’t the right guy for Brad Pitt’s ex
While discussing her romantic relationships with her ex-boyfriends Ben Affleck and Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow told Alex Cooper how Leonardo DiCaprio once became interested in her. During her appearance on Call her dad In the podcast, Paltrow said she initially enjoyed exploring her preferences in men, which is when she caught DiCaprio’s attention.
“I think I was actually a child, more so than many 22, 23 or 24 year olds I meet now. I didn’t really explore who I was, what was important to me, what my boundaries were. Something like that”
Speaking about how her years in the entertainment industry brought her closer to DiCaprio, Gwyneth Paltrow noted how hard the actor tried to impress her. However, she never gave up. As it appears, Titanic the actor even tried to kiss her, but Paltrow simply refused to communicate with him.
“No, I never kissed Leo. He tried again that day. But he was already, like, he’s been very casual about things since he was 19.”
After admitting she never felt Leonardo DiCaprio could be her boyfriend, Paltrow admitted she rejected the infamous actor. Later, both the stars started dating different celebrities respectively and made headlines for their high-profile romances.
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Source: Call her dad