Health advice to vaccinate infants against RSV virus: what it is and what are its symptoms

The Public Health Commission approved the standard today Next vaccination event This year it will begin the week of September 25th.New features include Immunization of infants and children against influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which causes bronchiolitis in infants. It usually causes mild cold-like symptoms but can also lead to serious lung infections, especially in babies.

This virus can affect people of all ages, but it common in children. Most children become infected with RSV by the age of two. This year, we developed a new monoclonal antibody formulation that requires only one injection throughout the RSV season, from fall to spring.

Flu vaccination recommended Children 6 to 59 months in a general way.

What is VRS

Respiratory syncytial virus is a Common viral diseases The symptoms are no different than a cold. Still, it can cause serious lung infections, especially in infants, older adults, and people with serious medical conditions.This condition is Causes bronchiolitis and pneumonia Every year, hospital pediatric departments come under pressure to treat babies infected with the disease.

what are your symptoms

Symptoms of RSV infection usually begin with Four and six days after infection These include: nasal congestion, loss of appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever and wheezing. In very young babies, the only symptoms may be fussiness, decreased activity, and difficulty breathing.

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Some people may also develop more serious infections, such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia.

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