Health centers increase mask usage, flu under control

Health Secretary Monica Garcia said on Friday Regulations on mandatory use of masks in health centers droppedSince the epidemic of respiratory infections such as influenza was “under control”.

Addressing a press conference following the inter-regional health committee, the minister thanked “communities, professionals and patients for their hard work and responsibility during these weeks”.

As health department leaders realize, ‘Immediate’ action plan rejected coordinated Due to the peak of respiratory infections, the use of masks is forced. It has received much criticism from the community, who believe the measure is “one-sided”

He himself also strongly called for Convert obligations into recommendations when they accumulate Incidence rate drops for two weeks in a rowAfter several months of high intensity infections with respiratory viruses, mainly influenza, this season influenza viruses have regained their intensity as they circulate more intensely, reports the Carlos III Health Institute.

The Minister attaches great importance to the report to this end made by the Director of the Health Alert and Emergency Coordination Center of the Ministry of Health, Fernando Simon, and stated that health indicators point out favorable situations.

Garcia reiterated that the health department and community were “committed” at today’s meeting Start working “from now on” Combined with the latest epidemic data 2024 and 2025 season plans.

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