Health: Why is it important not to treat the flu yourself?

This measure is vital for our own health and the health of our communities

Low temperatures have persisted in recent weeks. During this period, flu and cold cases typically increase due to the lack of ventilation in enclosed spaces and the search for human warmth. It is important that each case is handled by a specialist, as self-medication can have serious consequences for your health and lead to increased bacterial resistance.. The Ministry of Health revealed that more than 80% of the population self-medicates, which is a dangerous habit we must avoid.

Self-medication, while sometimes seeming like a quick fix, can have adverse effects and contribute to the growing problem of bacterial resistance. For example, antibiotics are not effective against viral infections, which account for at least 80% of infections. Overuse of this drug may lead to drug resistance, making it difficult to control bacterial infections in the future.

Additionally, it is important to understand that all medications have side effects, and no one medication can instantly cure the disease. The choice of medication must be left to a professional doctor to select the most appropriate medication for the situation from a variety of medications.. Self-medication is dangerous because it disrupts the balance of bacteria in our bodies, causing certain bacteria to become more dominant, disrupting the natural healing process.

How to cure the flu?

Resting at home, staying hydrated, and eating a balanced diet are crucial to fighting the flu. Choose fever-reducing medications only when necessary, and avoid self-medicating with antibiotics. Instead, consult a health care professional for proper treatment.

Take precautions such as washing your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, keeping your home well ventilated, avoiding close contact with others, and covering your mouth when coughing and sneezing. These simple practices can help prevent infection and protect your health.

Remember, your happiness is in your hands. Do not self-medicate and make informed decisions to take care of your health and prevent bacterial resistance. Always consult a healthcare professional for proper guidance.

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