Heat increases risk of death in patients hospitalized with respiratory illness

this Mortality rate among patients hospitalized for respiratory illness in summer, Increased due to global warming.This is the main conclusion of a study led by the Barcelona Institute of Global Health (ISGlobal), a center promoted by the “la Caixa” foundation, the results of which have been published in The Lancet Regional Health. -Europe.

The findings could be used to adapt health centers to climate change.

How is the research accomplished?

The research team analyzed the connection between Ambient temperature and hospital mortality from respiratory disease in the following provinces Madrid and Barcelona from 2006 to 2019.

high temperature
© Antonio Tajuelo

The results show Income quantity Hospitalizations, including hospitalizations resulting in death, in both provinces, Higher in winter, lower in summer (June to September), January has the highest income, and August has the lowest income.However, despite higher winter incomesthe highest incidence of in-hospital deaths occurs in summer And closely related to high temperature.

Calculate correlation Between room temperature and hospital mortality, The data used by the team includes:

  • this Hospitalization Daily
  • this meteorological (temperature and relative humidity)
  • this air pollutants (anyone3afternoon2.5afternoon10 Not really2).

If it is true, I have studied it many times. Daily exposure to heat and cold increases risk of hospitalization for respiratory illness as Pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and asthma.None of them focus on inpatient treatment Fatal results.

research confirmed High temperatures in summer cause 16% and 22.1% account for the total number of hospital deaths due to respiratory diseases in Madrid and Barcelona respectively.effects of heat it’s immediatebecause most of the effects occur within the first three days of exposure to high temperatures.

Research results show that the impact of heat is particularly acute bronchitis and Bronchiolitis, pneumonia and respiratory failure.

Women are most affected by high temperatures

Research also shows that women More susceptible to heat effects than men. This is because women have Maximum temperature thresholdbut sweat less than men.

Analysis conclusion

It turns out that high temperatures Increased risk of death in patients hospitalized for respiratory illness, Low temperature has nothing to do with this variable.

In this sense, the findings have important implications for health policy. Healthy adaptation to climate changeand predictions of the impacts of climate change on human health.

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