Hepatitis C: Microbiologist calls for ‘immediate’ start of treatment

development of Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) Fighting the hepatitis C virus (HCV) means “having the basic tools to eliminate this virus”.This was highlighted on Tuesday Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC). These drugs have demonstrated safety and efficacy, both in acute infections (less than 6 months old) and chronic infections, infection for more than 6 months.In a position paper, the scientific society argues that treatment should “Recommended and initiated universally and rapidly in all patients.”

Since there is no evidence that “Safety and Effectiveness” DAA for HCV ‘varies’ based on time of infection, ‘does not treat patients’ infection for less than 6 months is based on recommendation for strictly economic reasons,” said the SEIMC. Therefore, “the sole purpose of this recommendation is to reduce the cost of treatment in some cases where the immune response can eliminate the virus and acute infection resolves spontaneously“.

high risk of transmission

In the current epidemiological situationMost cases of confirmed acute HCV infection are patients, experts sayVery high risk of spreading infection in their environment: Patients with sexually transmitted infections or users of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis who had multiple unprotected sexual contacts”.

Any delay in starting hepatitis C treatment “creates a high risk of transmission to the community”, experts say

Therefore, they affect Any delay in starting HCV treatment, “Creating a high risk of transmission to the community is an obstacle to elimination and promotion of Persistent cases in the above population“.

The experts refer to the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) and latest GEHEP-GESIDA Guidelines for People Living with HIV Persons with liver disease are advised to start treatment “immediately” in cases of acute sexually transmitted HCV infection, with the primary goal of Breaking the chain of epidemiological transmission.

systemic infection

On the other hand, the scientific community says there are no studies assessing the “cost/benefit of delay strategies” Early treatment in this population’. Furthermore, they recall, “We must not forget that HCV infection is a systemic infection with possible extrahepatic complications at any time in its evolution“.

Therefore, they concluded that treatment against HCV “should be recommended immediately and generally initiated” in all patientsregardless of the time of evolution, because delaying treatment involves “certain individual and collective risks, no obvious economic benefit“.

Furthermore, they warn, “This is an obstacle to achieve the goal of eliminatingThe “Hepatitis C Virus Prevention and Control Plan” formulated by the World Health Organization (WHO) sets 2030 as the key year for ending hepatitis C virus infection. Spain is the first country in the world to eliminate HCV. More patients per million population Treated and cured hepatitis C, which makes us is the first candidate for eradicating the disease.

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