Hepatitis C screening finds two positive cases

this An autonomous strategy to eliminate hepatitis C This includes opportunistic population screening in the Ferrol Health District, which began last June.During this time, there appeared 2,217 tests and have obtained Two positivesaccording to data provided by Sergas.

Public Health Director Carmen Durán appears before a Galician parliamentary committee to assess the implementation of the strategy, Already launched in different regions this year. A total of 63,000 tests have been carried out across Galicia and 83 cases of active infection have been detected.

The purpose of the 2023 screenings is People between 50 and 59 years old, they can receive a hepatitis test when their health center requires an analytical test for other reasons. Next year, the measure will be extended to those aged 60 to 69, with plans to cover those aged 40 to 49 by 2025.

Implementation of this strategy ensures that people who test positive for hepatitis C Maximum treatment time is 21 daysIn addition to automatically scheduling tests and electronically notifying results, it also includes systematic testing of pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Through this initiative, of which Galicia is a pioneer, it is expected that Bringing forward WHO target by four years The target for eliminating viral hepatitis is 2030.


The General Directorate of Public Health is working to improve the diagnosis and identification of new cases, and to do this it is using artificial intelligence and big data to Develop algorithms Has a triple purpose. On the one hand, testing people with previously confirmed active infections but not receiving treatment; on the other hand, finding positive results whose viral load has not yet been determined and it is not known whether they are active; also contacting people who have been treated with interferon but who have not yet had a record of recovery of patients.

It’s possible like this Strengthen epidemiological surveillance, actively looking for cases. Attention will also be given to risk groups such as prisoners in prisons or drug users. Syringe exchange programs or condom distribution will continue.

The council joins the Hep City Free scheme from 2022

A commitment to eradicate hepatitis was also made by the Ferrol Commission, which In February 2022, it approved joining the Hep City Free program.. This is an initiative promoted by the Spanish Alliance to Eliminate Viral Hepatitis (Aehve). The aim is to promote treatment and cure for all diagnosed patients, making Spain the first country to achieve the goal set by the World Health Organization to eliminate this public health problem by 2030 through the widespread availability of new drug treatments. Cure disease with direct acting antiviral drugs.

Following the plan means Collaborate on publicity and communication activities Promote screening for hepatitis C virus infection among people aged 40 to 65 years (the age range that Sergas designed the strategy to cover). It also works to disseminate information about risky practices through workshops, lectures and social networks; contributes to simplifying diagnosis and treatment, especially for vulnerable groups; engages different agents and promotes meeting spaces with health systems. It also includes exchanging information with other cities in the program.

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