In the long list of subjects covered by popular belief, sex is always included.from how harmful is masturbation Relationship between height, nose length and penis length, etc.
To inform pop culture, let’s say that there is no relationship between nose length and penis size, or at least no scientific evidence that reveals this detail of male intimacy through such an obvious feature. Face. But surprisingly, sinusitis is associated with erectile dysfunction.
It turns out that everything in our bodies is connected in some way, and in this case, they were two apparently unconnected health conditions.
it’s known, There is scientific support that erectile dysfunction can be a sign of certain underlying medical conditions, But let’s see how it relates to sinusitis, specifically chronic sinusitis, which according to the Mayo Clinic is a common condition that occurs when the sinuses become chronically inflamed and can be caused by allergies and infections caused by various factors.
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain an erection long enough for a satisfying sexual Rainer MalikWhile this may not seem like a big deal, the urologist and sex educator explains, Chronic sinusitis has a significant impact on patients’ quality of life Symptoms include headache, earache, facial pain, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and tiredness or fatigue.
experts cited study “Chronic Sinusitis and Risk of Erectile Dysfunction”, which collected information on 17,000 people, including those who were treated for erectile dysfunction and those who were not. They analyzed data such as age, race, and health data, and compared them, they found that more than 700 people had sinusitis, and more than 500 of them also had erectile dysfunction.
The study mentions that sexual health is part of the decline in quality of life in patients with sinusitis, showing that the association between the two conditions is indeed significant.
Although more research is needed to verify this, possible explanations are Chronic sinusitis and erectile dysfunction both involve inflammation and blood vessel damage, reducing tissue blood flow and oxygenation. In addition, production of nitric oxide (a blood pressure regulator), which is critical for the initiation and maintenance of erections, was reduced.
Another explanation suggests Sinusitis can make it difficult to get proper rest during sleep, which is essential for normal sexual performance in both men and women. Regardless, the best advice is that if you suffer from either condition, consult the appropriate specialist for a proper diagnosis and treatment options.
This article is intended to provide general and educational information on health and wellness topics. However, this information should not be considered a substitute for a doctor’s advice, nor should it be used to administer treatment without medical supervision. Yahoo is not responsible for any diagnoses made by users based on this content. If you are concerned about your health please consult your GP or other qualified healthcare professional before taking any action.
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