Here’s how you can heat your house without turning on the heat

The “veroño” and mild temperatures have been left behind, replaced by the cold that has descended on many homes across our country.This means the Spaniards have brought out blankets and duvets and even Have started turning on the heating to enjoy thermal comfort at home. However, Spanish households should think twice before turning on the device as heating costs increased significantly last year. In this sense, a quarter of households Spend more than 100 euros to heat your homeAccording to a study conducted by Bosch Home Comfort, this figure has increased compared to data published in 2021, when only 19% of households spent this amount on heating.

Faced with this situation, many people consider possible alternatives to heat their house and save energy and money.To do this, they share from real estate portal Fotocasa 10 Tips for Maintaining Thermal Comfort in Your Home Not dependent on heating or air conditioning:

  • 1. Use carpet: Thick carpet allows you to better insulate your home and maintain a good indoor temperature.
  • 2. Close the door: When the door is open, there is more airflow in the home and the heat is distributed throughout the house rather than concentrated in the rooms where the most time is spent.
  • 3. Light the candle: In addition to giving a cozy feeling or eliminating bad odors, candles can also radiate heat in a small room, thereby warming the house.
  • 4. Reduce house ventilation time: People should also keep their homes ventilated in winter. However, it is recommended to do it for no longer than 15 minutes and only during sunny hours to maintain heat in your home.
  • 5. Use a thick blanket: Covering yourself with a thick blanket is an alternative way to winterize the house and maintain thermal comfort in your home.
  • 6. Seal your windows: The real estate portal states that windows are “significant transmitters of cold” and it is important to properly seal and insulate them so that cold does not creep inside and you can enjoy better temperatures in your home.
  • 7. Decorate the walls: Blank walls make a room cooler. Therefore, placing shelves or paintings is essential to achieve warm temperatures in the room.
  • 8. Use thick insulating curtains: Windows are one of the main sources of cold air, so use thick curtains or insulated curtains to keep your home warm.
  • 9. Lower the blinds: Blinds can be raised when the sun is shining to naturally heat the house, and lowered at night to conserve heat, thus saving energy and money.
  • 10. Use a wood stove: A fireplace or wood stove allows you to regulate the temperature of your room to keep it at a warm and appropriate temperature. Plus, as the real estate portal explains, firewood is “more economical” than leaving the heating on all day.

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