Here’s the secret to picking the best melons and watermelons from the greengrocer, says OCU

Melons and watermelons have high water content, making them ideal for summer consumption.but When you come to the fruit store, it’s not always easy to choose one.According to the standard, there are 10 steps you should follow to bring home the best specimens Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU).

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Melons and watermelons belong to the Cucurbitaceae family (like pumpkins or cucumbers). They are not fruits but vegetables. To grow them in optimal conditions, it is necessary to combine warm temperatures with dry (for melons) or moist (for watermelons) soil.

They contain less sugar than other fruits such as apples, pears or oranges, and have important diuretic properties (88% of melons and 92% of watermelons are water).

10 steps to eat the best melon/watermelon

  1. from May to October: Melons and watermelons should be eaten during their season: late May to early September (watermelon) or October (melon). This option is more sustainable than consumer products that must be imported from other countries.

  2. on top of the heap: Specimens located on top of the fruit shop sustained less damage and are generally in better condition.

  3. hard to touch: A lack of hardness indicates they are worn or damaged.

  4. No cracks: Throw away the flawed stuff, but don’t obsess over it. Lighter spots are not a bad sign: the fruit may be ripe, but that is the area that fell to the ground during cultivation.

  5. Touch and pressure: Tap the watermelon gently, and if you tap it just right, it will make a hollow sound. The ends of the melon are squeezed: if at its tip, the base will sink slightly, and the other end (peduncle) will bulge slightly.

  6. Aroma of ripe fruits: The flower stalk area should smell fresh.

  7. Moderate color: Although there are many more nuances to watermelon, the dark green melon has not yet reached its peak.

  8. Buy in chunks (halved, quartered or diced…) The advantage is that you can tell at a glance whether it is cooked. The disadvantage is that it loses its freshness compared to freshly cut melon or watermelon. The cut pieces must be wrapped well. Or packaging if it’s a store.

  9. Cut and save: In melons you have to remove both ends (in watermelons this is not necessary) and separate the seeds. Store leftovers in the coldest area of ​​the refrigerator and keep them covered to avoid odors.

  10. if you still fail: Buying unripe melons or watermelons is not the end of the world. It’s important to be aware before opening them. You can ripen them at home by storing them in a paper bag (not a plastic bag) with apples or bananas in a cool, dry room.

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