High-voltage technology comes to Cartago through a family of entrepreneurs

Melissa Gonzalez

mgonzalezt@larepublica.net | Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 1:00pm

Thanks to a family in the area who invested $400,000, Carthaginians now have a hyperbaric chamber to treat their ailments.

In this way, these visionary brothers Francisco Valverde Rivera, Jonathan Valverde Rivera and Leonardo Valverde Rivera Leonardo Valverde Rivera and their mother, Rosa Elena Rivera, put their company to work for the health of their neighbors.

This technology is used to bring oxygen to tissues, thereby improving blood circulation, and due to its oxygenating ability, it helps in the treatment of several diseases, which makes it a great ally in regenerative medicine.

Francisco Valverde said: “We chose the center of Cartago for our clinic because we know that these people are facing serious health care problems, pain, disease and suffering cannot wait and we want to obtain relief on behalf of many hope.” Partners at the Rivera Clinic.

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The list of conditions that can be treated with this technology is long and includes fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic fatigue, arthritis, venous ulcers, diabetic foot, Parkinson’s disease, osteonecrosis, post-surgery recovery, and many more.

“Hyperbaric oxygen chambers are also very useful in sports medicine, sports injuries and rehabilitation, that’s why we have signed an agreement with Cartagines Sporting Club, and we will take care of their players so that their fitness is optimal, they Can give the best performance on the pitch,” Valverde added.

Treatments are given in sessions or individually, and patients will save significantly if they get a multi-session package; session duration is typically 60 minutes, with up to two 90-minute sessions per day for acute patients.

The clinic also offers dual therapy, a cosmetic approach to restore damaged tissue and sculpt muscles in a single treatment.

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This is thanks to the combination of resistive diathermy, capacitive diathermy and electrical stimulation, a technique that promotes skin regeneration, firming and sculpting as diathermy works on collagen and elasticity in the skin Egg whites make our skin look more toned and radiant.

With this system, you can treat aging skin, wrinkles and sagging tissue, signs of fatigue, double chin, eye bags, cellulite, stretch marks, acne scars, contractures and muscle tension.

The clinic is located at Bailey Square, 100 East of Bailey Bridge, Carthage.

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